Part 38

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Liams POV





   I awoke with a startle as my bed moved underneath me stirring all four of us from our sleep. Caspian and Theodore were jumping up and down causing the shake as Paisley cuddled into my side poking my chest all while Everly just watched the madness unfold from the doorway. "Wats wrong babes?" Louis asked groggily as he rolls over to face the bouncing boys, thankfully at his question the bouncing stops and the boys crawl over towards him. "We're hungry Daddy!"(Theo) "And Mommy's gone!"(Cas) "But he left food in the oven."(Paisley) "We just need an adults help."(Everly) they explain quickly spiking fear with in the four of us. Hazzas gone and he didn't tell any of us as to where or why, thats extremely unlike him. Quickly scrambling to our feet we each hoist up a kid into our arms as it would be fast for us to carry them then for them to meet us downstairs.

   Niall immediately goes to the oven to see the food is still hot which it is, also telling us excitedly that Harry made his delicious homemade cinnamon rolls even though now was most certainly not the time for breakfast as we have no clue as to where our pregnant mate is. Louis came in telling us Quill was gone which means he has to be with Harry. Zayn luckily found a note written by Harry on the stove, stating not to panic and that he was completely fine. He also made sure to tell us to feed ourselves and the kids before we go on a man hunt for him. Well at least he's come to terms that were going to go look for him and bring him back. Deciding that it was only fair since Harry did make such a quick breakfast and we definitely know the kids will rat us out we each take one roll before our search begins.

   "How do we want to do this? Split up or stay together?" Niall asked as we locked up the house, "Stay together" Zayn, Louis, and I say as we know its never a good idea to split up when you have to search with kids. Nodding quickly we start off in the direction his faint scent is wafting from hoping this scent trail will lead us to him even though its been a couple of hours since it was omitted. The longer we stayed on the trail the stronger the scent became, we're close to finding him. Lurking deeper into the forest I knew exactly where this trail was taking us, my prediction only coming true as the familiar vines Harry only uses to hide things came into view. Putting aside the fact he's probably going to be upset about this we rip through the vines, breaking through the little barrier he created leading us exactly where it should, to Hazzas little hideaway!

   Louis takes Caspian, Niall takes Theo, Zayn takes Everly, and I take Paisley we place them all on our hips before we climb up the tall later to get to our mate. Taking a breathe we knock on the door thankfully to hear a cheerful "Come in" as the last time we were here he wasn't in a good mood. "MOMMY!" the kids shout scrambling to get out of our grips and running over to their mother who's sitting on the couch with a pillow behind his back, his feet propped up on the coffee table, a blanket on his lap along with a book and bag of sweets. "My babies! We're you good for your fathers this morning? You told them where I was right? You didn't make them search the whole forest did you?" he asked sweetly, giving each of them a kiss on their forehead before leaning back into the pillow and resting his hand on his six and a half month bump. Our mouths almost drop to the floor, they knew the whole time? Harry must have known the answer by all of our expressions as the kids looked guilty and we looked shocked. "Darlings, you knew the whole time that Mommy was in his hideaway and you didn't think to tell us?" Zayn asked calmly but was a bit stern. The four of them pretty much gave us panic attacks by holding back this information, we thought Harry was hurt, we thought Harry was kidnapped, we thought the worst thoughts possible!

   "Babies I told you to tell your fathers where I was when they woke up when I put the frosted cinnamon rolls back in the oven to keep warm, babies you could have given your fathers heart attacks." Harry gently reprimands as they slowly cuddle into his sides boys on one side girls on the other. "Sorry Mommy..." Everly whispers into his side placing a hand delicately on his tummy, smiling slightly as the babies moved underneath it. "Oh babes its nothing to feel guilty about." Louis soothe sitting on the arm rest near the boys side. 'Just make sure to tell us next time if Mommy asks you to tell us something.' I say taking a seat on the armrest near the girls combing my fingers through Paisleys curls. "Now with the serious stuff out of the way, how was your morning sunshine?" Niall asked placing a kiss on Harrys forehead, Harry was happy to fill us in on his morning adventures before he settled here to read his book. 'I know you wanted probably wanted a day to yourself but... can we join?' I asked hesitantly as Harry picks up his book again smiling...

   "Of course! I need family around, I love you all ten of you!"  

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry that it was kinda boring, but what did you think? Honestly may rewrite or just delete it later. Harry counted the twins as ten instead of just say eight as the twins are his family too even if they aren't born yet. How come the kids didn't tell Zayn, Liam, Louis, or Niall where Harry was? What do you want the twins to be? Please leave name suggestions along with what you want the genders to be! Feel free to follow me, vote, comment, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!


Pregnant Harry cartoon: 

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