Part 4

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Niall's wolf

Harry's POV

        Its been about a month since me and the boys have finished the mating process and I feel sick to my stomach. I'm so happy! I've been throwing up every morning, I'm sensitive to certain smells (can cause me to get sick), I'm bloated, and a little more sensitive than normal. If my hunch is correct I think I might be pregnant. I haven't voiced anything to the boys and I've made sure to keep everything hidden. I've been brewing anti-nausea potion to keep everything down and have been keeping myself in check with my emotions. The only people who know are my mom and Gemma (Quill knows as well but I cant bring him to the doctors with me) they're taking me to the pack doctor today to see if I'm right. I finish writing my letters to those who asked my advice and gave them to Quill so he can deliver them. I go to walk out of my office and take my leave, hopefully without being noticed. I know the boys are still asleep and I have my hands preparing breakfast for them. I grab my emerald cloak and wand, tie up my laces to my boots, and just about touched the handle to the door when I hear four familiar voices call my name from behind. I turn around and there standing in their pjs are my four alphas looking at me confused/tired. 'Boys you should be in bed still it 7:30, what are you doing up?' I ask to which I get a snarky replay from Louis "We could ask you the same thing". UGH I really don't want to deal with a moody Louis right now. 'Hun I'm normally up at 6:00 you boys know that, so how come your up so early?" Liam responds to my question "We woke up to the sound of you putting on your cloak" curse them and their werewolf hearing. "Where are you going?" Zayn asks me 'Mom needed some help this morning so I offered my services since I have time"'I lie straight through my teeth. "Oh, give us a minute and will go with you" Niall says 'NO!...oh uh I mean no need, mom only wants my help because... it has to do with...A SPELL! Yep a spell and you guys cant help with that so just go back up to bed I'll be home in an hour maybe two tops.'  I say giving a big smile and praying to the moon goddess that they believe me. "okay babe night" they say as they all look like they could fall asleep standing. They walk back upstairs and I'm out the door. 

    I made it to the pack house with mom on my right and Gemma on my left. I get into the office, after checking in we take a seat. I cant keep my leg still, I so hope that I'm pregnant. "Mr. Styles" a nurse called me back. We walk back and into a room, I give her my symptoms, now I just have to wait for my doctor to show up. "Hello Harry" Doctor Blair a kind young women who works with me if she needs a potion. 'Hey Blair' I greet her back "so lets see if your pregnant because I know you came in here and are just dying to know" she says. I lay back as she wheels the ultrasound machine over towards the bed, grabbing a bottle of gel she warns that it'll be cold. She squirts the gel on my tummy (let me just state cold was an understatement it was absolutely freezing!), grabs the wand and moves it all over my tummy. Suddenly she stops, turning to me she gives me a smile and says "Well Harry I guess your never wrong because you see those four little beans right there... those are your babies." I burst into tears of joy at the revelation as well as Gemma and my Mom. I'm going to be a mom to four beautiful babies, I cant believe it! "Would you like a picture?" doctor Blair asks me. 'Yes but could I have five please' "Sure thing I'll be right back" she says as she leaves. "I"M GONNA BE AN AUNT I CANT WAIT!!!! Harry how are you going to tell the guys their going to be dads?" Gemma asks. 'don't worry Gems I've got a plan' with that being said doctor Blair comes in giving me the photos and we leave.

     I stop by a baby store and grabbed four bibs, four bottles, four binkies, and four onesies that say "SURPRISE!" on them then grabbing two yellow boxes and two green colored boxes I make my way to cash out.

      Now at home with all of my items with the ultrasound pictures shrunken and secure I make my way into the house. Checking the clock and seeing it only 8:30, I quickly work to create my surprises. I put one of everything in a box and wrote their name in cursive on the top of the lid. Placing each box to where the boys normally sit, now all thats left is to wait. Thankfully I wasn't waiting that long because five minutes after finishing the boxes they were down stairs giving me hello kisses and asking how my mom was. I tell them she good and we make our way to the dining room table. They stop and look at me when they see the boxes. "Wonder how those got there" I say with a cheeky smile. They look cautiously at each other then take their seats. Curiosity getting the better of them they take off the lids at the exact same time and look in.  They all look over at me with tears in their eyes and the biggest smiles on their faces. I place a hand on my tummy and nod, suddenly I'm being showered in kisses, hugs, and praise by all four of them. Each one by one roll up my shirt and plant kisses on my tiny tummy. "babe this is amazing" Liam said, "I'm so excited" followed by Niall, "Your already glowing" Zayn whispers in my ear, "HAZ THIS IS THE BEST NEW EVER!" Louis states. 'You guys did notice that theres four in here?' I ask and some how their smiles got bigger. "Even better" they say engulfing me in a hug and kissing me all over my face and tummy.  

I cant believe I get to start a family with the four men I love the most. I'm so excited!

Hello world, 

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