Part 43

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Liams POV

   Two months have passed since our magical trip to Disney which the kids and Louis loved. Our poor Hazza has been struggling though with the end of his pregnancy much like he was in the beginning. Shortly after we came back so did his morning sickness, along with his fatigue. He bites his lip whenever he walks as the babies are putting to much pressure on his back and hips. He thinks we wouldn't notice but we of course immediately did as it isn't hard to tell that he's in pain.

   With a lot of begging and pleading on our part we were able to get him to relax, no longer worrying about the kids, meals, or cleaning as we can take care of all of that while he needs to rest. 'Haz do you want me t grab you a new book from the library?' I ask him as I walk into our room handing him the glass of water he requested. Quill perched right above his head on our head board as he hasn't left Harrys side since we've returned from our vacation. "That would be lovely, thank you." Harry says taking a small sip from the glass as he snuggles further into the pillows trying to become comfortable. 

   Placing a gentle kiss on his head and two more on his bump I quickly leave the room to go retrieve a book for my love. "POPPY!" Theo and Caspian scream as soon as I walk down the stairs making my heart drop as its never good when they scream my name. Running into the kitchen I really hope that what I'm seeing is a terrible prank they decided to pull. My poor sweet Paisley was crying on the ground holding her arm as it bent... backwards. 'oh my goddess! LOUIS! NIALL! ZAYN!" I scream for my other non bedridden mates as I scoop my little girl into my arms being careful to not touch her arm.

  The three burst into the room just as I did with Everly closely following behind them, she immediately raced toward her sister and grabbed a hold of her good hand trying to soothe her. "Boys what happened?" Niall asked as I got off the ground with Paisley still in my hold while Everly grabbed onto the hem of my shirt in fear for her sister. "I... j-just wanted a c-cookie!" Paisley choked out in between her sobs, shushing her I sway her gently in my arms trying desperately to calm my angel. "She tried to get a cookie from the cookie jar." (Cas) "And she fell from the counter when she was trying to reach it." (Theo) the boys explain as we gather everyone to leave trying as we need to go see the doctor.

   "What do you think you all are doing?" Harrys voice boomed from the top of the stairs causing us to scare as we might have forgotten about the pregnant boy. "Taking Paise to the hospital." Theo said in a duh kind of tone making Harrys features go from pissed to concerned in a matter of moments. "Whats wrong with Paisley?" He asked grabbing the railing of the stairs getting ready to descend it. Louis quickly raced up the stairs to help our pregnant mate "Her arms bent funny mama!" Everly informed as the two came down as quickly as Harry could. "Oh my goddess! Come here now!" Harry says a bit out of breathe as he finally reached the bottom, quickly going to stand next to him he teleports the nine of us to the hospital .

   "Hi my daughter broke her arm, can we have some help please!" Niall said to the secretary panicked as none of our children have ever gotten hurt before. I could see Harry stiffen as his nose scrunched up just as a nurse came over to us with a wheelchair. Just as we were being wheeled into a room Harry relaxed and waddled with us to the hospital room. Quickly getting him a chair he easily takes it while we wait for the doctor to come in and realign Paisleys bones. Thankfully with her being a werewolf Paisley will only have to be in a cast for a week maybe two as her advanced healing will shorten the healing process.

   "Hello everyone! I hear someones got a broken arm." Blair says as she's the pack doctor meaning she takes care of everyone not only pregnant mates. Her smile is warm as she walks towards Paisley talking to her about how silly we (her fathers not her mother) were acting the day they all were born, trying to distract her as she realigned the bones. She was just about done wrapping up the cast when a low growl like sound could be heard from the boy in the chair. Blair quickly finished Paisleys cast before turning her attention on Harry, making her way over to him she squats in between his legs while taking a hold of his hands.

   "Harry, how long have you been having contractions?" she asked taking the four of us off guard  as we begin to panic once again but instead of for our daughter this time its for our mate. Coming  down from his contraction he opens his eyes and stares into hers knowing their no way of lying he just confesses. "I've been having them since last night and my water broke right before we got here." he says turning his attention towards us "Thats why I was at the top of the stairs not because I heard the commotion." he says before contracting once again in pain. "Alright Harry I'm going to wheel you to a delivery room, boys follow close behind I'll send a nurse in to watch the children while another calls your family." Blair says while all of us rush to a delivery room.

   It only took an hour of pushing before our babies were brought into this world and safely in our arms. Harry delivered a beautiful baby girl who was not a werewolf but a full witch and a gorgeous little omega baby boy. With the two tucked safety in Harrys arms we go out into the waiting room to grab Paisley, Everly, Theo, and Caspian to come meet the newest members of our family. The four quietly enter the room with us following behind as they are their way to Harrys side. "Hi babies, these are your little siblings." Harry says in a raspy voice "What are they?" Theo asked his voice barely above a whisper as he looked at the babies in awe. "You've got a little sister," 'And a little brother.' Zayn and I inform them making their smiles grow even bigger. "What are their names?" Paisley asked to which all of us adults answer...

   Luke Roberts Styles and Lora Ramona Styles

The End

Hello World,

Thank you so much for reading and enjoying this book. I've had a lot of fun writing it and am terribly sad its come to an end. Would you like if I wrote a sequel? Or a spin off? Let me know in the comments! Feel free to vote, comment, follow me, or check out my other Z.H.C.MP books! 

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