Part 6

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Liams POV

            Finally! Today is the day where Harry turns officially four months which is great because his morning sickness should die down and the chances for a miscarriage are significantly reduced. But the most exciting reason for today is because Harry will let us take care of him with no retaliation on his behalf. 

         We wake up super early this morning knowing that Harry usually gets his day started by 6:30 we all wake at 6:00 and carefully make our why out of the bed, being mindful not to wake Harry. When we all make it out of bed we turn to just make sure he still asleep and was met with the most adorable site, he was asleep on his side with a smile on his face, one hand under his pillow, the other lay on his belly subconsciously rubbing it. We watch for a little while longer but then make our way out of the room. Once in the kitchen Niall asks "Okay who here knows how to cook?" all of us look at each other assuming the other knew how. "I'm sure we can learn, it cant be that hard." Louis says, we grab ingredients and tools going in with the mind set that this will be easy.

        We couldn't have been more wrong. There was egg, flour, milk and butter littering the walls and floor causing us to slip and spill more. There was a mountain of dishes pilled up in the sink and every where near it. We were covered in batter, and trying to put out a fire caused by Louis exclaiming that toast is the easiest thing to make. Never underestimate toast. Suddenly we hear the door open to the kitchen and aloud "OH MY GODDESS!" come from Harry. He grabs his wand and points it at the toaster causing the once strong flame to grow weak and die. He then points his wand at the mountain of dishes and they start to clean, dry and put themselves away. He then does a figure eight with his wand instantly vanishing the mess on the walls and floors. He sticks his wand into his bun and looks at us with a kind smile. "Did you boys try to make me breakfast?" he asks with one hand on the top of his tummy and the other supporting his lower back. We look down and Zayn whispers out "we tried", waiting for Harry to get mad but never happens instead Harry responds with a kind smile "Thats okay, I can tell you guys tried really hard and I'm happy you four came up with this idea!". We look up to see him standing right in front of us placing a kiss on each of our heads. "But maybe you boys should just let me take care of the cooking." he suggested "No way Harry we're supposed to be taking care of you so you stay off your feet. We made a deal remember." I tell him "Who said I would be on my feet?" he asks and with a snap of his fingers there were four pairs of hands starting to prepare breakfast. "Okay boys go wash up, I'll be in my office when your done." Harry says as he waddles out of the kitchen. "At least he's not mad." Niall jokes but none of us found it funny.

     After we finish our shower and dry off we set off to Harrys office to make sure he isn't doing anything dangerous. We walk in to find Harry cuddled up on the coach with Quill (stupid bird) perched on the couch toward his head. Harry was reading a book out loud while moving his hand up and down his bump. Looking at the adorable sight we try to go in to get a better view. As quietly as possible we sneak into the room, being careful not to disturb or stop his reading. We thought he finished a chapter until we heard a "I can hear you" come from Harry. "Jeez Haz can no one sneak up on you, you always know." Louis questioned. "Nope, but its more fun to catch people when their actual good at spying." he says with a giggle. "Hey were good spies!" Niall says offend. "I'm sure your fine spies Niall, I've just gone against better." Harry states with a cheeky smile. Setting his book down on the coffee table, he sits up and looks about ready to get up. "NO HARRY WAIT!" we all run over to him shouting. "You boys know I can still get up on my own right, no need to panic." Harry says with a giggle as we pick him up and gently put him on his feet. "We know we just want to help." I tell him "And thats very sweet of you boys but I don't need your help just yet with getting up." Harry says to us with a kind smile. "No buts Styles we have a deal." Louis and Niall tell him "Happy four months Harry" Zayn says while giving his bump a kiss and we follow suit. "Okay, okay you're right we did have a deal and I will now just have to get used to it. But for now lets go eat these four have been up and moving around since I woke up demanding for breakfast." Harry says making his way towards the kitchen. "I wish we could feel them" Niall says with a pout "don't worry Ni we'll feel them soon." I tell him.   

      What I didn't realize is that we would feel them soon. But instead of them being in Harry they'd be inside us! 

Hello World

       Don't worry I'm not killing Harry off I could never plus sounds sad. I do hope your enjoying my story, comment down below why the boys may have to carry the babies, will it be for the rest of the pregnancy or only for a little? Let me know! I have an idea already but would love to know your thoughts.

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