Part 25

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Nialls POV

  As Alpha James was going on about the extra security we're going to need because of the rise of rouges the doors fly open with that stupid bloody bird coming through. Wait a second, if he's here then... All of us thinking the same thing we get up and rush out of the room following the bird. We grow more and more anxious as he leads us to the doctors ward. Hundreds of questions  run rapid around in my head. What if he fell and got hurt? What if a rouge got to him? What if... they're coming? My thought quickly come to a halt as we burst through the door only to see Harry hooked up to a million different machines. "HARRY!" we yell as we burst through the door only to see him sitting on the bed with a smile on his face as if he was waiting for us to burst in. "Whats wrong?"(Liam) "Are you in pain?"(Zayn) 'Did you get hurt?'(me) "Are they hurt?"(Liam) "Wheres Blair?"(Louis) "Is it time"(Zayn) "When did it happen?" (me) "How'd you get here?" (Louis) "How far apart are the contractions?"(Liam) "How many cm are you dilated?"(Zayn) "Did your water break?"(Louis) 'Is a head popping out?'(me) we bombard him with questions without giving him a moment to respond he just sits there and gives us the most loving smile. 

 "Boys you need to let him answer if you want the answer." Anne says with a chuckle as she cuts us off from answering anymore questions. We all shut up waiting for him to answer our questions. "I'm in labor, yes a little but the pain isn't unbearable yet, we're all fine, You boys just missed her, the contractions are about eight minutes apart, I'm five cm dilated, yes my water already broke, and no Niall a baby is not popping out just yet." he says as he looks at us with so much love in his eyes as our reflect the same mixed with fear. We were about to start another round of questions when his face scrunched up as he lets out a bellowing painful moan. We immediately are at his sides couching him through the contraction as his death grip tightens on Louis' hand. By the time it passed his hand was a bit purple, he backs away shaking it out trying to get some blood flow back into it. Harry apologies to him non stop crying about the fact that he caused Louis pain to which all of us including his mom told him he had nothing to apologies for. "Love your the one giving birth if you need to hold our hand we would be more than happy to give them to you." Zayn says brushing a strand of hair that fell over his face "But... b-but y-you need your h-hands. I d-dont wanna hurt y-you, I l-love you" he sobbed causing the four of us to coo at his concerns about us. "You aren't hurt us I promise. I just lost a little feeling in my hand thats all. Not from you, it just fell asleep." Louis lied but with Harry being so distraught he bought it making him promise which he did. Becoming exhausted from the tears he gave us a tired smile as we told him to get some rest which he gladly did.

 When we were sure he was fast asleep Louis broke the silence "One of you guys can give him your hand next, mine needs some time to recover." he laughs breathlessly as he continues to examine his hand. We laugh along with his comment as Liam said he'd be glad to be the next to sacrifice his hand. The meeting must have been over because as we fell back into a comfortable silence the door opened with Gemma and Robin popping their heads in asking if they could come in. I wave them in but put a finger to my mouth nodding towards the bed that Harry was asleep in. Picking up my drift they quietly make their way over to the couch and sit next to Anne while the rest of us stand around his bed our eyes never once leaving it.

 Three hours passed before Blair said he could start to push. We tie his hair back with me and Liam on his left while Zayn and Louis are on his right. He grips onto  Liam and Zayn's hands pushing with all of his might. Me and Louis hold up his legs the entire time we're telling him sweet nothings and words of encouragement. "We're so proud of you!" "Your doing great" Zayn and Louis say as he finishes a push taking some time to relax. He nods as he intakes huge breathes whining when another contraction was coming on. "Harry your crowning I need you to pant... thats it keep going... first babies head is here!" Blair says she looks up at Harry and asks if he wanted to feel he nods with tears of joy streaming down his face. She guides his hand to the babies head he gasps when he feels the tiny head. Taking his hand back another contraction comes and he pushes with everything he's got as he's desperate to see the baby. "Its a girl!" Blair says as a wail fills the room, she immediately places her on his chest. "Hi baby girl" he whispers to her placing a small kiss on her head. Brushing away my happy tears I look down at my beautiful (bloody) little girls with chocolate curls.

  Girl was followed by her two brothers and lastly our littlest girl was born. When the babies were all cleaned up and returned to us we were finally able to admire all of their features. Harry laid in the bed with two babies in his arms and the other two propped up by the boppy and his legs. We sat their and starred at our children for what felt like hours grasping the concept that their here. They're really here! "So... who gets what name?" Liam whispered as we look down at our sleeping babies. "I think she'll make a perfect Paisley Violet." Louis says as he brushes our little girl with curly brown hair gettin her to show off the dimple she has on her left, peeking open a blue eye that matches her sisters pair. "I couldn't agree more. Would you like to hold Paisley?" he asks Luis who nods his head excitedly picking Paisley up from the boppy. "Everly Rose is perfect for you love." Liam says as he holds our little blond girls hand  which has her showing her dimple the was on the opposite cheek from her sisters. Harry nods and hands over Everly to him which he greatly excepts. "Okay Niall on three you point to which one should be Theo and I'll do Cas" Zayn says, I nod and Harry counts us down letting a giggle out by our antics. 'Theodore' I say pointing to the smaller boy with brown straight hair and plump lips looking around the room showing off his set of hazel eyes. While Zayn point to the biggest of the four with his black hair as he stares at us with his bright green eyes. Harry nods and let out a big yawn, his eyelids droop as he looks around at all of his babies. He looks at both me and Zayn and nod to the boys to which we both gratefully pick up. 'Hello Theodore Cullen' "Hello Caspian Reign" me and Zayn whisper to the two boys. Harry's desperately trying to will himself to stay awake wanting to soak in every moment he has now that they are here. "It's okay love, go to sleep. We'll all still be here when you wake up." Liam says, Harry gives him a tired yet thankful smile before drifting into a peaceful sleep. Anne, Gemma, and Robin walk in the room shortly after Harry fell back asleep. They were about to turn away because they didn't want to disturb Harry but we waved them in so we could introduce them.

 "Guys say hello to Paisley Violet, Everly Rose, Theodore Cullen, and Caspian Reign Styles"

Hello World,

THE BABIES ARE HERE!🎉 I hope you enjoyed this chapter which is followed by many more of the styles household to come. If you have any suggestions please leave them down in the comments or message me directly.

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