Part 29

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Zayns POV

Last night after Harry revealed the news to the kids and his family he encouraged us to let our wolves out for the night. With much encouragement from him and promises from the kids that they would be good, we did as we were told and our wolves couldn't have been happier. Having been cooped up for a couple weeks they were eager to run and hunt. I peak my eye open from my dreams to be huddled up with my mates in a beautiful meadow near the house, as our wolves don't like to be far from their pups and mate especially when our mate is expecting. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I let out a throaty yawn scaring Louis awake with him being such a light sleeper. Harry is the only one who can do things around Louis when he's sleeping and not wake the man. 'Sorry babe' I say as I stretch making a kissy face waiting for him to grant me one. He begrudgingly does before waking up the other two whom groggily sit up, squinting their eyes as they get used to the blinding rays from the sun. "Come on boys, we gotta get back to Harry and the pups." Louis says as we walk home utterly stark naked.

With Harry being the amazing mate he is he left out some clothes for us to change into as we don't want to scar the kids. Pulling on our sweats we walk into the house only to be rushed by our four babies. They each say their good mornings to us, planting a kiss on each of our cheeks before Paisley, Caspian, and Theo run off back to what they were doing. Everly on the other hand just stayed in front of us as if she were waiting for something. 'Princess? Do you need something?' I ask as I stay in a squat so I'm at her level. "Mhm...." she hums before grabbing me and dragging all of us upstairs, she stops outside of our room. Turning around to us she whispers to us "You needs to be EXTRA quiet." with a serious look on her face before turning back around to face the door opening it quietly. "Mommy... Daddy, Poppy, Abba, and Papa are home." she whispers as we enter the room watching an adorable yet saddening sight. Our poor Hazza cocooned himself in the covers with a cool washcloth placed on top of his head while Everly walks towards her set up a little nurses station right next to our bed so she can take care of her Mommy.

"Okay baby, why don't you go play with your siblings I promise Daddy, Abba, Papa, and Poppy will take care of me. Go have fun baby, I love you." he tells her with his voice barely being a whisper, she looks back at us looking us over before agreeing with Harry. She places a soft kiss on his head then leaves the room looking back at the bed before closing the door behind her. 'Babe, whats wrong?' I ask as we were quick to take over Everly's nurse position "Just woke up with a bit of a head ache is all. Didn't get a great nights rest last night either so it's not really helping the migraine." he says as his eyes swim with love happy that were back, as are we. "I'm sorry love. Is there anything we can do to help?" Liam asks as I brush some of his damp curls that had fallen onto his face. He nods taking a few deep breathes before he speaks again "Could one of you cuddle me while the other three keep the kids away? I really need some sleep." he practically begs us with tears in his eyes, our poor mate. "Of course love, Liam will stay with you while we go take care of the kids." Niall says to which Liam happily climbed into the bed spooning Harry as he rubs his small naked tummy. We quietly wish him sweet dreams before we leave to find the kids.

With the responsible parents out of the way it's time for Abba, Papa, Daddy and the kids to play. We walk to our closet preparing strategies and telling each other how much we love one another in case something went wrong out there. Pulling out the three big duffle bags from the back of the closet we calmly walk to the kids shared playroom. As soon as we open the door they all knew what was about to happen. They grab their camo and suit up as we were ready for battle. Finally on the battle grounds of the yard we place the bags down and go through the basic rules. With everything being set in place and our on call doctor ready the war was battle was about to begin. This ladies and Gentlemen this is the great nerf war of 2018.

With Louis being the first on our side to head to the med-tent fighting for his life Niall and I were left to fend on our own. There were so many of them as we were completely out numbered our best option was to hide and hope they don't find us. Niall was fast to climb up a tree staying hidden in the branches while I hide in the bushes underneath. The enemy soon approaches us quickly our numbering us. I stay silent hoping they don't see me and luckily they don't, Niall on the other hand was not so lucky. He snapped a twig which launched many shots his way, slowly he falls down from the tree I watch as he takes his final breathes. They close his eyes before leaving searching for me. With both Louis and Niall gone I'm left on my own, what do I do? While I sat in thought I felt someone behind me I turn to find its Caspian. "Any last words Abba?" Paisley asked smirking while Caspian gets ready to take his shot. I was about to give them the iconic line 'Tell your mommy and poppy I love them' but by some miracle before I could a saving grace was sent my way "LUNCH TIME!" Liam yells out into the yard.

Niall automatically springs up from his "dead" position running into the house at the mention of food. Leaving Lou and I to rangle up the kids who were happily chanting about their victory. With their lunch being the food of champions mac n' cheese were stuck with salads, losers food. Harry's hands gave us a pat on the back after serving us our lunch before disappearing, even with a splitting headache nothing can keep him from cooking for his family. "Round 2?" Paisley asks after lunch considering Harry was still asleep with Liam we were quick to agree and hopefully redeem ourselves.

Ladies and Gentlemen I regret to inform you the adult lost both battles of the nerf war 2018.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What did you think of the great battle? I just came up with a random date considering this all takes place in an alternate universe. Feel free to vote, follow me, comment, check out my other zianourry harry centric mpregs, or do all four. Thank you so much for reading! I'm glad to see that readers enjoyed the first book so much that their reading the second. Please comment down below baby names and genders for the twins.

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