Part 30

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Harry's POV

This pregnancy is way different then my pregnancy with the quads, I now officially understand the phrase all pregnancies are different. I mean with the quads I was rarely hormonal and I didn't have that many cravings. But with the twins its a whole different story, my poor mates. I'm always crying and if I'm not I'm either with the kids or extremely pissed off with my mates. Plus the cravings get worse with each passing day I mean I'm just about to enter my fifth month and if there already bad I don't want to think what they'll be like in the future.

I huff as I try to roll out of bed with out disturbing any of my mates which thankfully I succeed in. Standing up I rub my aching back while the other hand supports the underside of my growing bump. The little ones start to stair wiggling around in my belly letting me know their awake as they haven't kicked yet. Gosh I hope they don't like to over kick when they learn how unlike the quads. Don't get me wrong I love the feeling but after a while it starts to hurt. I freshen up before quietly closing the door and make my way to our kids bedrooms, stopping at Everly and Paisleys first.

 Hearing the light snores escape their lips I stand in the door way for a moment admiring my two little angels as they peacefully dream

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Hearing the light snores escape their lips I stand in the door way for a moment admiring my two little angels as they peacefully dream. My admiring has to come to an end as I need to get them all up and ready for school. I wake Paisley up first happy she's just like her daddy in the fact that she's a light sleeper. 'Morning Darling.' I tells her after placing a kiss on her forehead "Morning Mommy." she replies rubbing the sleep out from her eyes. I coo as she makes grabby hands at me wanting a good morning hug like always. 'Ready to wake your sissy up?' I ask she nods her head rapidly as the sleep disappears from her features. She jumps off the bed landing on the other one that had her sister fast a sleep on it. "GOOD MORNING!" she shouts smiling widely as Everly tries to roll over covering her ears. 'Morning baby.' I say sympathetically brushing a few golden locks from her face. "Morning Mommy." she replies the same as her sister. with the girls morning hugs out of the way and their clothes for school layed out I quickly make my way to the boys room.

 with the girls morning hugs out of the way and their clothes for school layed out I quickly make my way to the boys room

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'Theo' I try to gently coax him out of his deep sleep considering he's easier to wake as he's on the bottom bunk. "No mama!" he muffled into his pillows swiftly turning away from me. I try again only this time with Caspian as he does the same as his brother. I let out an annoyed huff as my boys wiggle further into their sheets an idea pops into my head. 'Well... I guess you boys don't want pancakes, I'll just have to give them all to your sisters.' I tease walking towards the door knowing fully well they can never pass up my homemade pancakes. They instantly snap up from their cocoons and unravel themselves from the bedding. Racing to get ready they promised to be down soon as I walk out the room and downstairs to the kitchen.

My little princesses were waiting for me happily at the island, swaying their feet back and fourth they continue their conversation about how amazing school is going to be. I join in every few moments smiling at their excitement for their activities today. Just as I was pulling the first pancake off the griddle the two little boys sprint to the island sitting on stools next to their sisters and happily wait for their plates. Not long after Theo and Cas came into the kitchen all four of their fathers were running in as well. Liam, Zayn, and Louis all shared the same worried expressions on their faces still hating it when I cook while pregnant. While Niall smiles wide and eagerly waits for his plate sitting next to the boys. "Good morning loves, love are you sure you don't want your hands to take over breakfast? I mean I know you haven't been sleeping well these past couple of days..." Louis says trying to reason with me while my hormones try to decide wether to be pissed off at him or cry. Why not choose both!

'Are you saying I shouldn't feed my children?' I ask starting the conversation off pissed. As he Liam, and Zayn all tried to reason I just grew more and more frustrated with the three. They would look to Niall every now and then asking for some back up only to get Niall holding up his hands not wanting to be dragged into this. I mean I don't blame him as yesterday I yelled at him for putting my socks and undershirts in the same drawer, I would stay out of the war zone if I were him. The kids weren't any help either, monkey see monkey do as they mimicked Nialls response. 'WELL THEN HOW ABOUT YOU TAKE THE KIDS TO SCHOOL BECAUSE CLEARLY I'M AN AWFUL PARENT!' I sob pushing past them and walking to my office making sure its locked so they couldn't follow me in.

I sob uncontrollably waking Quill up in the process. He glides down curling into my side and comforting me as he did when I was younger. "Hazza?" I hear on the other side of the door followed by the faint sound of a knock automatically knowing that it was Zayn who was calling. "Can we come in?" Liam was next to speak behind the door followed by a pleading please from Louis. I try an collect myself before opening the door only to loose all control of my tears as I open it. Tears roll down my cheeks like waves I quickly get pulled into a hug surrounded in the loving comfort of all four of my mates. "I'm sorry Haz I didn't mea to hurt your feelings I was only concerned about you being on your feet for so long without a proper nights rest." Louis whispers into my ear as Zayn strokes my curls lovingly. "Love... no one ever said you were a bad parent." Niall said hesitantly scared that he now put himself in this fight. 'You didn't have to say it, I already know I am.' I say tears clouding my vision once again as pent-up sobs want to make an escape. "Babe your the best mother in the world! Our children are so luck to have you as their mom"(Zayn) "Your kind, caring, trusting, considerate, funny, loving and so much more!"(Niall) "Your definitely the kids favorite and I can already tell that you're going to be the twins favorite." (Louis) "Your the best mother a child could ask for"(Liam) I was in tears by the time they finished wiping them away softly. 'Promise?' I ask unsure if all they said was really true.

"We promise."

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Just a small fluffy chapter. Please feel free to vote, comment, follow me, check out my other Zianourry Harry Centric Mpregs or do all four. I would love to hear some ideas for the boys pissing Harry off.


girls room:

boys room:

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