Part 27

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Louis POV

Five years have past since Harry brought Paisley, Everly, Theo, and Caspian into the world. Our lives have gotten crazier as the years have gone on and we've all been loving it! Paisley is the sassiest but sweetest child you'll meet with her shoulder length curls and always showing off her cute little dimple. Everly is so caring and considerate, always concerned whenever one of her siblings is sick or hurt. She has Harrys kind heart and is always ready to help others, her blonde bouncing curls and her baby blues make it nearly impossible to hide the fact your not feeling well. As for Caspian and Theodore they are to two most rambunctious, crazy, and giggly boys you'll ever meet. The two love to pull pranks on us but never on Harry as they learned he always knows. They are truly the lights of our lives.

"Don't use that!" Harry shouted coming into the house from a mission, he takes off his cloak and takes the salt shaker from Niall. Looking over towards the island he he easily takes the cap off "No fair mommy!" Cas and Theo whine as they pop out from behind the counter. "I let you prank your fathers just not in my kitchen." Harry scolds lightly as it is his one rule when it comes to them pranking us. "Told you mommy would catch us." Theo whispers to Caspian "Okay you two come give mommy a hug." he smiles crouching down for the little boys to run into his arms. "MOMMY!" Paisley squeals running in tackling her mother and brothers into a tight hug. "I missed you mommy! Papa you can start the tea now, Papa, Mommy, Pops, Daddy, Abba, Caspian, and Theodore our tea party is ready to start. Meet us in your fancy clothes." she commands before running off to the girls play room where Everly and her were setting up the tea party Harry promised them yesterday. Harry keeps his lips in a tight smile as the boys unlatch from him and run to get into their fancy tea party clothes.

Right as the boys leave the room Harry springs up and runs to the bathroom. The four of us look at each other before quickly making our way to our mate. We see him leaning against the cool tile looking as pale as a sheet breathing heavily, I quickly grab a washcloth and wet it going over and dabbing the cool cloth on his forehead. Niall went to grab him a glass of water while Zayn pulled his curls into a ponytail and Liam rubbed his back. Harry takes the glass of water gratefully from Niall before chugging the whole thing.With in the span of the next two minutes Harry goes lying weak and pale against us to springing up to his feet looking heathy again. "Harry what was that?" Zayn asked as we all look at him baffled by his quick recovery. "I..." he stalled and as if the children knew he needed an out a cry of "MOMMY" could be heard from the girls playroom. "Duty calls" he says before rushing out of the bathroom and into the room with the kids.

"Okay two grilled cheese and tomato soup for my boys and two veggie sandwiches for my girls. Now will you be good little ones and put your plates in the sink when your done? Mommy needs to go lye down for a minute but your fathers are more than happy to play with you after you've finished your lunch." Harry says giving each of them a kiss on the head before retiring to our room. They nod and happily eat their lunches, talking to each other about which one of them gets which one of us. 'Babies Papa, Pops, Abba, and I need to go check on mommy before he takes his nap do you need anything?' I ask the cuties, they shake their heads and we make our way to the room. As we near our bedroom door we hear a faint humming sound coming from behind it. We open the door to hear the beautiful sound of Harrys sweet voice singing a song we hadn't heard in ages.

Dilly dilly, he used to sing the babies it every night before he put them down. He changed their goodnight song as they grow older telling us that song should be reserved for little babies. Curious as to why he would be singing that song we sneak into the room even though knowing very well we're in the room he continues to sing. Walking over to the bathroom we see him, standing their shirtless looking gorgeous as always. His hands were placed on a little pudge just above his hips. Instantly we knew what he was trying to tell us from earlier "Are we expecting again?" Liam asks. Harry turned his attention to us from his bump as his smile grows wider he nods his head. Tears of joy prickle my eyes at the thought of welcoming another bundle of joy into our family. Liam and Zayn envelop him in a hug while me and Niall do a bit of a happy dance before joining the hug. "I went to the doctors this morning when I told you I was need for a pack. She said I'm halfway threw my third month and we're expecting twins this go around." He says glowing as we each place a kiss on his bump. With all the excitement taking a toll on his sleep we easily guide him to bed for his nap before going downstairs to the kids. Happily thinking about adding two new little ones and how the kids our going to love having more brothers or sisters.

I love our little family.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed the  chapter! I think Harrys in for it this time around 😂, tell me what you think the twins should be and feel free to start leaving names in the comments!

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