Part 20

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Louis' POV 

   Harry's in the half way mark of his seventh month and he looks as if he couldn't be happier. He truly never complains about the pregnancy. Like how soar his feet and back are, how fat he feels, how he cant get up on his own anymore, how tired he is because the babies keep him up at night, how hungry he is, or the fact that he has to pee every time he gets comfortable. Instead he's always wearing a smile on his face with his hand caressing his huge bump lovingly. Honestly, I think he's a literal angel. If I were in his position I would be the biggest ass known to man. I mean hell all four of us would but not Harry because Harrys just so... Harry. "Loves I'll be in my office with Quill if you need me." Harry tells us as he stands in the doorway of the living room, one hand holding a mug of tea the other placed gently on his very dissented tummy. We give him an okay and he waddles off with that smile still on his face. "He is something else..." Liam states as he reads how to put together a baby swing, 'How so?' I ask causing him to look up from the directions and at me. "If the roles were reversed I don't think we would be able to handle it. Hell we couldn't handle it when the roles were reversed in his forth month, none of us lasted a full day and he's been doing it all this time. Except he has four in their when the four of us only has one. Plus with him never complaining about anything unless its us becoming over protective, I mean thats impressive. It's not easy carrying a baby and he's carrying four like its nothing. He just amazes me sometimes." Liam states it as if it weren't the most obvious thing in the world. "Li's right, I felt fat with in five minutes and there was barely a bump. I have no clue how he doesn't brake down crying 24/7 because of it." Niall says shuddering a little just remembering the thoughts. "Not to mention he's gonna have them in a couple months. You guys don't think he knows a spell that makes us feel his pain for him instead of feeling it for himself?" Zayn questions with a look of horror plastered on all of our faces 'I hope not.' I say meekly. 

    About an hour or so later there was a pounding on our door, the person behind seems in need of something urgent so we answer it quickly. We open the door to find Gemma standing there covered in blood, guts, cuts, and bruises from head to toe. "Wheres Harry?" is the first thing she asks looking a bit panicked. "He's in his office." Liam says, she pushes her way through us and runs to his door shutting it after her. There was muffled conversation coming from his office followed by Gemma and Harry leaving it making their way to the front door. "I'll be back." Harry says trying to put on his shoe but with the huge tummy it makes things difficult, "And where may that be?" Liam asks. "To the pack." he states as Gemma helps him put his shoes on, "Gemma where did you come from?" Zayn asks having a feeling we already knew the answer. "The pack, come on Harry we need to leave now before anyone else gets killed." Gemma says urgently dragging her little brother over to the door. Niall stops her and wraps his arms around Harry "Hell no! In case you forgot Gemma he's pregnant he cant go out risking his and the babies lives." he growls, "Well we can fix that cant we?" she says and before we even have a moment to register what she says they snap there fingers causing it to happen again. Harry's back to his old self slim as ever and practically drowning in the big shirt he's been wear over the past month. While our shirts become so tight that they either ride up exposing the bump (mine), rip it (Nialls), pop off some buttons (Liams), or in Zayn's case deciding to wear on of Harrys pregnancy sweatshirts causing nothing to happen to it and our pants have to be unbuttoned due to the largeness of our stomachs. We all look at each other bewildered at our new bodies while Harry changes into tight clothes and his cloak. "I'll be back in an hour maybe two at most. I promise I'll be safe, so no need to worry about me. If anything think of how exciting it is that you get to feel them now in a different way." He says with a smile full of pure joy while ours held a scowl. "Mommy will be back, so you'll be back with each other soon enough. Be good for your fathers, I love you!" He says giving each of our bumps a kiss giggling afterwards. "Wow never thought I would be able to do that. Take care of yourselves boys, the best thing I can suggest is for you four to go take a nap. Then I'll be home before you know it. I love you so much. Bye loves, bye babies!" and with that being said he along with Gemma scurry out the door. "Did he really just do this to us again?" Niall asks in disbelief, "Yes, yes he did." Liam answers him in the same tone.

   "I'm gonna do what Harry said and nap so I can get this nightmare over with quickly." Zayn says with a yawn making his way up the stairs very slowly. By the time he reached the top he yelled breathily "How does he do this!" frustration shown on his face he makes his way into our room. "I gotta pee!" Liam says speed waddling off to the bathroom, "I'm hungry." Niall states making his way to the kitchen. With the little one inside me not demanding anything I make my way over towards the couch, I sit down to only get a really hard jab in the middle of my stomach causing me to wince. "Louis! Whats wrong?" Liam says waddling over to me "Nothings wrong, the baby just kicked and goddess that hurt. How can Harry like it, I truly think that its awful." I say with tears in my eyes because damn that hurt. "I'm sorry." Liam says tearing up a bit as well, he tries to pull me into a hug but with our large bellies it makes things a bit awkward. "Goddess, my feet hurt." Niall sighs as he slowly sits down on the couch with the jar of pickle. Both Liam and I make grabby hands at the jar causing him to pass it over. We sat like that for a good half a hour before Zayn joined us grumpier than ever mumbling something about how the baby never stops. We each slowly drifted to sleep on the couch with each of us placing a hand on our own bumps.

    I wake up with my hand on my flat stomach. Looking around I notice that none of us have our bumps any more. I quickly wake up the others terrified that something went wrong. "Where are they?" Zayn's the first to ask as he pats his stomach, 'I don't know I woke up and poof they were gone.' I say. Suddenly there was a banging sound coming from the kitchen, we each look at the door and make our way towards the sound. We walk into the kitchen to see one of the most beautiful things in the world, Harry with his hair tied up in a bun, an apron on, and carrying the most gorgeous belly I've ever seen. He looks over at us with a kind smile giving each of us a kiss on the head. "Good evening loves, I hoped the babies didn't take to much out of you." he says rubbing the underside of his bump. We shake our heads no and tell him the thing that has been on our minds all day...

"You are perfect."

Hello World,

I thought it would be funny to bring back the pregnancy swap, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please leave some baby names in the comments I'd love to hear them. Remember two girls, two boys.

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