Part 21

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What inspired this chapter🔝

Harry's POV

  Being eight and a half months pregnant with quadruplets isn't the best feeling but I wouldn't change it for the world. Always laying my hand on my stomach and feeling their kicks I settle into my next book. I get a knock on the door as I'm halfway through chapter four, looking up I see Gemmas head popped into my office. I wave her in giving a smile and hug she sits herself at the other end of the couch putting my swollen feet in her lap as she starts to massage them. "Has anyone ever told you, you give the best massages." I ask relaxing into her grip as she works on my feet and legs, "Only you Hazza." she says with a smirk. "Well you should give more people massages then they'll see how good you are at them." I tell her groaning as she works out a knot, "I'll think about it. Hows everything? You aren't doing housework still are you because if you are I will slap those idiots into next week." she says, after receiving the update she was hoping for we sat in comfortable silence as she rubs my feet and I continue my book. "Hazza, I meant to ask when I came in earlier but what are those four up to?" she asks and I give her a puzzled look, what are my four doing. Seeming to pick up on my confusion she continues "There in the living room running through something as if it were a drill of some sort?" then it automatically clicks, "There practicing for when I go into labor, they want everything to go nice and smoothly." I tell her only for her to give me a wicked smile. "Do you want to go make sure it'll go nice and smoothly? It'll be your own little drill for what to expect." she asks innocently, I return the wicked smile and we make our way to the living room hiding right outside the door.

  "Okay does everyone remember their jobs?" Liam questioned as they talk through what there about to practice. "I'm going to call the doctor and let her know were on our way." Zayn says proudly, "I'm going to go grab the bag." Louis follows, "I'll be starting the car." Niall says, "While I'll be helping him through contractions and into the car." Liam finishes. They give each other a nod of approval before the run the plan. "Harry comes into the room and says "I think its time." Go!" Liam says the four of them then calmly do their tasks acting as if it were nothing but a normal sunny afternoon. They run it once more before Gemma gives me a nod so we head in. "Ready?" she whispers as I throw my arm over her shoulder and get into position, I give her a nod. In order for this to really sell me we put some water on my pants so I can say "My..water broke, ugh" I fake as Gemma carries me into the room with her own fake worry. The boys look at each other and panic. I pant harder as I suppressed my laughter trying not to give our little charade away so quickly. They all sprint to the phone wrestling each other to call the doctor before Liam yells "THE BAG!" causing himself, Zayn and Niall to fight over that. My clothes and supplies spilling everywhere as Niall perks his head up saying something about the car. The four of them then sprint for the car completely passing me and Gemma in the process. When the door slammed we couldn't hold it in any longer, we were crying. I almost peed when I heard the car sped off, it took us at least a good half an hour to calm down. Even Quill found their reactions funny. The best part was we got it all on recording so we can watch it again later. An hour passes after they left when I hear a car door again, me and Gemma sitting peacefully on the couch talking about baby things over tea when the door burst open again. "HARRY! HARRY THIS IS NO TIME FOR GAMES WE NEED TO GET YOU TO BLAIR! HARRY!" they yell as the come tumbling into the house, when the spot me their faces full of fear turn into confused expressions. Me and Gemma exchange a look before we burst out into laughter again, 'I'm not in labor I promise, me and Gemma were just playing a prank on you guys. I'm sorry.' I tell them through my fit of laughter. Their faces turn red with fury and I know I crossed a line, "ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL!" (Niall), "YOU GAVE US HEART ATTACKS!"(Zayn), "WHAT THE FUCK!" (Louis), "DAMN IT HARRY THIS ISN'T SOMETHING YOU CAN JOKE ABOUT!" (Liam) they all yell one over the other. I start to cry as they start to yell, Gemma swiftly comes over to me and takes my tea setting it down. She lifts me to my feet as I cower into her hold sobbing, "Enough! Don't you see your making him upset. I'm taking him upstairs to calm down while you four do the same and then WE'LL talk." she says her voice laced with venom. They all take one look at the state I'm in and instantly soften their expressions feeling guilty for making their pregnant mate so upset.

   Gemma calms me down after tucking me into bed, giving me a kiss she stands up and leaves the room when I'm okay enough to be left alone. I lay their curled up in my sheets with both arms wrapped around my little ones. 'Hello little loves, I hope your doing okay in there but I cant wait to meet you and neither can your fathers.' I say rubbing my tummy getting kicks in response causing happy tears to form in my eyes. Continuing to rub my tummy I lay there for what feels like ages before I hear the door creek open. "Hazza? Love, you still awake?" they whisper as they enter the room making their way towards the bed. I quickly shut my eyes and even out my breathing so they think I'm a sleep. They climb onto the bed and crawl their way over to me "Haz, we know your awake." Zayn says as he brushes a stray curl from my face, I stay quite with my eyes closed hoping they get the message and leave. "We're sorry babe we shouldn't have yelled at you we were just so scared that this was it. We planned and planned trying to get everything perfect for the big day. With you doing your prank it gave us a huge reality check that no matter how much we plan we're still gonna make fools of ourselves and drive you up the walls. We love you so, so much that we just wanted to make your labor as stress free as we possibly can even though all we tend to do is cause stress." Liam tells me as he brushes a tear from my closed eye, damn hormones getting the better of me. 'you guys only stress out because you over think. When its time I'm not going to be thinking about anything else besides getting to meet our babies. Yes I'll be in excruciating amounts of pain and probably cursing at you four but my focus is getting to meet our babies.' I whisper to them. "Thats what our focus is on too but there are so many what ifs that could happen that terrify us..." Louis starts but I cut him off 'We all need to stay positive, no listening to the what ifs because they aren't going to happen. I'll be fine and so will the babies.' I tell them getting a nod from each of them they cuddle into me and we nod off to sleep.

  And as usual I'm proven to be right when the time comes.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment down some baby names, 2 boys 2 girls!

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