Part 5

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Zayns wolf

Nialls POV

          Harry just gave us the best news we've ever heard. We're gonna be dads! I can't believe it and he's carrying four pups! After we enjoyed our breakfast we spent the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch, with each of us having a hand on Harrys tiny bump. All the sudden Quill, that stupid bird has tried to attack me three times already and has even nipped me a couple of times. Any who, Quill comes flying through the house with a letter in his talons lands right in front of Harry extending his claw that has the note. Harry stands up and takes the note from that things clutches, goddess I hate that bird. He reads it quickly and gives it back to Quill to tell him to put the letter in his office. He then moves his way over to the dining room table were he left his wand. We all jump up off the couch and go stand in front of the door because we know what it means when he goes and grabs his wand. He comes over to the door with his cloak and hat on, with an annoyed look on his face. "Boys I have to go, so could you please move I'll be back in a half an hour" Harry tells us "No way, your pregnant with our pups meaning you need to be safe and take a break from helping people" Liam tells him. "I'll be safe I promise it's just a pack that wrote, they think that rogues are outside the boarder and they want me to make a protective shield around there land" Harry explains. 'What if there are rogues outside and attack you while your there?' I asked him. "Boys I'll be fine, I put a charm on my tummy to keep it protected so there is no need to worry. I'm going to the yellow crescent pack and I'll be back in a half an hour, now either step out of my way or I will move you." he tells us and I move out of the way, I don't want to be moved by him because that won't be pretty. I was the only one who moved so you could either call me a genius or a coward either way I safe. The other three stood their ground, Harry turns to me and says "Niall sweetie you did the right thing" with that being said all three boys are off their feet and stuck to the living room wall. Harry gives me a kiss goodbye and leaves. He must be far enough because around ten minutes later he took the spell off the boys making them fall to the ground. "We need to go after him to make sure he's safe" Liam states, "Well then what are we waiting for we know where the pack is lets just go!" Louis says as we race out the door and run to the pack.

     We make it there just in time to see Harry building up the barrier. We hide behind a bush trying not to be found by him because if he finds us we're in deep shit. So far nothing has happened and that makes all four of us relax. Suddenly I see three pairs of red eyes on Harry, I was about to tell the boys but they rushed Harry ready for a fight. Before we can even make ourselves known Harry's already injured two and about to move onto the third, when it got to Harry it gave Haz a nasty scratch all the way down his leg. Harry didn't even let out a scream he just gave the rogue a death glare and the thing dropped dead. I guess looks really can kill. Once he's done with the rogues he finishes his spell and turns to look over at the bush we are hiding in. "You can come out now" he tells us, we look at each other terrified of his reaction knowing that he knows we followed him here. We slowly crawl out from behind the bush and look up to see a loving smile on his face. "I knew you boys would follow me, thats why I took the spell off when I got here" He says. "Now let go home shale we I need to treat this leg" Harry tells us. Zayn rushes over to Harry and picks him up bridal style with a whine coming from Harry saying how he could walk and we make our way to Harrys car.   

      Once were home Zayn picks him up again and places him gently on the couch. "Now don't  you move an inch we'll take care of you" Liam tells Harry while he was sitting up to get off the couch. "How about you boys don't move an inch" he says with a wave of his hand all four of us stuck to the floor. "NOT FAIR HARRY!" Louis yells " I never play fair Lou" Harry replies in a sassy tone. Harry gets up and makes his way over to his office and brings back out a bottle, bandage wrapping, and a cloth. He then flicks his wrist and a bucket full of water appears next to him. Using the water and cloth he cleans off all the dried blood from his leg. He then opens the bottle and pours out a cream looking substance, then spreads that all over his wound. Finally he take the wrap and bandages up his leg. Once he finishes he snaps his fingers and all the items go back to wear they came from. Also we finally become unstuck. "Harry your pregnant you shouldn't be exhausting yourself when you know we could have treated you and would have been happy to do so" Liam says while going in between his legs and giving him a kiss on his nose. "I know boys and I appreciate it, I truly do but I would like to do things one my own while I still can. I'm only going to get bigger." Harry tells us with a fond smile on his face. "I'll make a deal with you boys once I hit four months I'll let you four take care of me until then I can do things myself. okay?" "Okay" we all say.

   At least he'll lets take care of him at some point.

Hello world,

I have some better ideas for when Harry gets bigger. He's going to be pregnant for nine months so by four months with quads he'll be pretty big. I hope you enjoy my story and please comment. 

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