Part 15

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Harrys POV 

   I lay on the mountain of pillows I've formed on my bed, trying to become comfortable as four munchkins make their presents known. My stomach is constantly moving making it hard to relax. As I lay on my pillows, I read one of my favorite books to them hoping that my voice will lull them to sleep. I hear the faint sound of a knock on my bedroom door, I look over and see my four mates standing in the doorway with loving looks in their eyes. "Mind if we join in on story time?" Niall asks, I give them a warm smile and motion for them to come over. They all rush over towards the bed like excited little kids and curl up into me once the reach the bed. When everyone is situated I continue to read. I read for over an hour and the babies still haven't settled. At the end of the chapter I place my book mark only to hear whines of protest come from my mates. "You need to keep reading we want to hear if Gwen escapes the cave." Louis whines, "Yeah, its filling up with water. She could die!" Zayn says with concern. "I hope she doesn't I like her way more then her twin Gallivant." Liam says with a pout, " No way he's way cooler considering he trying to get the emerald from that dragon." Louis states. "But she's trying to get the necklace of the dark witch and that is way more important to completing their mission then the emerald." Niall says agreeing with Liam that Gwen is better than Gallivant. 'I'm afraid we will have to wait until later. These four are hungry and I have to pee.' I say trying to untangle myself from them so I can use the restroom. Liam being the gentleman he is instantly gets off and helps me to my feet. "Promise you won't read with out us?" They ask with puppy dog eyes as I make my way toward the bathroom, 'I promise'.

    As I make my way towards the kitchen to grab myself a snack a sudden tightness wraps around my lower stomach. I gasp at the sudden pain stopping in my tracks, I try to elevate some of it by rubbing the tense area. Niall was walking out of the kitchen when he saw me in my confused/uncomfortable stance. "GUYS! SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH HARRY!" he yells as he rushes towards me grasping my shoulders trying to get a look at my face. Within seconds the other three sprint into the hall. Just then the tightness released and my body relaxes, I take a deep breathe. I was about to continue my way to the kitchen when I'm picked up into strong arms and rushed over to the couch. "Harry are you alright?" Liam asks checking me head to toe, 'Yeah, I think so', "What do you mean you think so?" Louis asks confused. 'Well, when I was walking to get a snack I got this weird feeling in my stomach. It became all tight and felt a little strange but only lasted for a couple seconds so I don't think its anything to worry about.' I look up from my soft bump after explaining only to be met with my mates terrified expressions. "OH MY GOD!" Zayn yells as he races toward our room, "Louis go call Anne, I'll call Gemma" Liam says as they both rush out in different direction. Zayn comes out of the room with a duffle bag that he is hastily packing, as Niall just starts to cry "You aren't supposed to come yet. You need to stay in there for at least three more months. I love you four but I don't want to see you yet, you aren't ready!" he full blown sobs into my lap rubbing circles on my belly. Oh my god they think I'm in labor, which is the one thing I'm most certain I'm not. I stand up and Niall just slides of me and onto the floor bawling. I make my way over to my office and call the doctor, honestly why did no one think to call her first. After a few rings she picks up "Hi, this is Doctor Blair speaking. How can I help?" she asks kindly. 'Um hi Blair this is Harry. Gosh I feel so foolish, I just had a weird tightening feeling in my belly. I know its not a contraction because it was only in my lower stomach and all the books I've read say its all over nor is my bump hard. I just want to know so I can calm my mates down.' I tell her, "You need to calm them down? Shouldn't they be calming you down or taking you to me?", 'There a little to panicked to think straight' "Really? How so?" she asks. I hoist myself out of the chair and make my way towards the commotion, putting the phone on speaker as I enter the room. "I think I have everything in the bag? How do we know if were missing something?" Zayn yells as he continues to scramble around the room with the duffle bag in his hand. "The nursery still isn't done! Oh God we're already awful fathers! Do you think we still have time?" Louis panics as he walks in a circle. "Why won't anyone pick up!" Liam screams in anger. "IT'S TOO EARLY" Niall sobs on the floor clutching onto his knees for dear life. I turn off the speaker phone and head back to my office where I can hear her better. "I understand. Well, from what you've described I think your just having some braxton hicks contractions. Your in your final trimester so they were bound to appear, its just your body preparing for the real thing. Your having your mom and Gemma stay with you a couple weeks before labor, right?", 'Thank goodness I was worried for a second and ya their staying. Why do you ask?' I have a feeling I know the answer already but just incase it could be something else I need to know. "Good because if this is how your mates react when you have your first braxton hick you'll need some one there that can think logically when the time comes." she says getting a laugh out of both of us. "Now, go comfort your mates. Or else I may see you sooner because they had heart attacks." she says, I let out a chuckle and let her go.

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