Part 18

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Harrys POV

  "You two are going to what?" the boys ask in unison completely gobslmaked by the idea. "We're going to be staying with you." Gemma says excitedly "Harrys going to need a lot of help over these next four months, what with having to take care of his mates and his newborns its a lot of work for someone to be thrown into." Mom says with a motherly smile. This cant be happening, this isn't going to happen. Don't get me wrong I love Gemma and my Mom more than anything in this world but I do not need them babying me. 'Mom? Gemma?' I try to gain their attention as the two of them talk about the babies. Being unable to succeed the first time I try again only to get completely shut out again. My patience wearing thin I try for the last time to nicely get there attention. 'LISTEN TO ME!' I snap being unable to control my cool front at that moment. They both shut it and turn their attention towards me. 'Mom, Gemma I know you mean well with wanting to move in but I truly cant have that happen. I love you both so much but this is the last couple of months I get to spend with just my mates. If it would make you feel better you can come over any time but please I, we need our space.' I tell them with a pleading look in my eyes. "But Harry what about when your to big to take more then a couple of steps, whose going to take care of you?" Mom asks going over to me putting my face in between her hands looking into my eyes. "My mates. Liam and Zayn can keep the house clean when I'm no longer able to. Niall knows how to make a cup of tea. He even knows how I like it.' "honey hibiscus with two cubes and no cream" Niall interrupts in order to prove my point. 'Each of them know how to order food, get it, and dish it up for me. Louis is always on me about how long I'm standing and gives the most amazing back rubs. My boys are more than capable of taking care of me and the babies." I state going over and sitting in the middle of them becoming engulfed in a hug. "What if something happens and your put on bed rest?" Gemma asks, 'then my boys will be right there to take care of me.' I state. "Alright dear, we'll leave you alone but if these four do anything that don't meet your standards call us and we'll be here in an instant." Mom says giving each of them a pointed look, I nod in understanding. The rest of there visit was spent with talking about the babies and catching up.

  I walk them to the door giving each of them a hug and kiss good bye before they made there exist. I shut the door and let out a sigh of relief, not wanting to be badgered with anymore of their questions. I make my way back into the family room only to receive four warm loving smiles from the four men I love most in this world. They all pat their laps telling my to come over and lay over them. 'I'm to heavy to lay across you guys' I say looking down at my stomach becoming self conscious with how much weight I've gained. "None sense! Now come over here and lay down so we can give you a full body rub." Zayn exclaims as the other three nod in agreement. I lay across the four on my side and they got to work, it felt amazing. Zayn was giving me an incredible foot massage while Niall and Louis divided my back with Niall working on the lower half as Louis works on the upper, Liam just playing with my mop of curls as I used his lap s a pillow. We fall into a comfortable silence with only an occasional satisfied moan escaping my lips when they worked out the tight knots. "Babe?" Liam asked trying to gain my attention, I respond in a hum to let him know I was listening. "When we were having dinner it looked as if you, your Mom, and Gemma were having a conversation but none of your lips were moving. What was that?" Niall asked I peak one eye open to see the four of them staring at me waiting for my answer. 'Oh, that was us talking through a link kind of like the one you guys have when your in wolf form but we can use it all the time. We rarely ever use it but I'm glad they chose to.' I tell them letting out another sigh of relief as Louis worked out a knot in the middle of my shoulder blades. "What do you mean your glad they chose to use it?" Liam inquires further, 'They were just talking about some things that were uncomfortable so I'm glad you guys didn't have to hear it.' I say trying to avoid what was actually discussed between us. Before they could start to bombard me with more questions I yawned causing the topic to change quickly, just what I wanted to do. "You tired?" Zayn asked I nod in response. They help me off the couch and up to our room so I can get ready for bed. I come out of the bathroom in a long sweater and boxers with my hair tied in a bun. I waddle over to my mates who were waiting on the bed to help me get in it. They tuck me in and wish me a good night as they make there way back downstairs seeing as it was only 8:30. I roll onto my side and fall asleep with only one thought gracing my mind...

 My mates will take great care of us.

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