Part 7

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Harrys four month bump

Harrys POV

    Its been a week since the deal was put into action and I can honestly say I've never been more frustrated in my life.  Don't get me wrong its very endearing that the boys are so concerned about my safety, but I cant be left alone for more than five minutes. All four of them are attached to my hip, they're driving me crazy! I'm also not allowed to do anything anymore, they have to do everything for me. Even though I'm more than capable to do things myself. Thank Goddess no ones asked for my help these past couple of months or else I'd have to deal with a problem and my mates fussing over me. 

      As I was trying to take a nap I felt four pairs of eyes on me. 'I know your there' I tell them in a unamused tone with my eyes still closed. "We were just checking on you" Liam tells me 'you've been watching ever since I said I was going to take a nap haven't you.' rubbing my eyes and slowly turning onto my back so I can sit up in our bed. They rush to my aid even though I don't ask for it and I hold back a scream of frustration when they start to rattle off worried "Are you okay?" "Does your back hurt?" "Do you need ice or heat for it?" "Are you hungry?" "Do want some water" so on and so forth. I take a deep breath trying to will myself not to strangle them. I can officially say their worrying is no longer endearing. 'I'm fine, I was actually... going to... go visit... my uh mom. Yeah Mom, haven't seen her in a while and I miss her.' I stumble out trying to find a way to get rid of them. 'She even asked me to come visit today so I best be going'  while trying and failing to get out of their grip they lift me up onto my feet. "Okay love, just give us a minute and will be ready to go with you." Niall says 'NO, I mean no need she just wanted to see me. Give me some motherly advice. You guys can just stay here I'll be back in a couple hours' (that is if I don't go running for the hills) grabbing my keys and cloak I make my way towards the door. "No way, you aren't going alone and you most certainly aren't driving in your condition." Liam tells me "We'll drive you to your moms but we'll head to the pack house to give you some time with her." Louis says (Goddess these boys are making my patience run thin) I plaster on a fake smile and say a simple okay. 

    We make our way to my moms house the entire time I was rubbing my bump to keep my anger down because me getting angry isn't good for me or the babies. We FINALLY make it to the house and a I'm ready to sprint in but cant because of their coddling. One has to open my door (Zayn), another has to help me out (Niall), another has to walk me all the way to the door (Louis) with the other three trailing behind to make sure I don't fall, then finally someone has to ring the doorbell for me (Liam) because apparently from the short walk I just took pressing a button would put to much stress on my body. I'm ready to kill them. To my luck Gemma answers the door. "Hey Haz, Hey boys what are you doing here?" she asks 'Mom wanted me to come over the boys are just dropping me off' "Oh well, moms..." I give her a pleading look to let me in and help me out here "She's um out back come on Harry I'll take you to her bye boys." Gemma pulls me in the house and shuts the door on the boys. 

       'Thank you, their driving me insane.' I huff out as I make my way towards the kitchen island. "What do you mean Haz"'I mean they won't let me do anything because I could put "too much stress on my body" honestly you would think they would know I can reach over and pick up a book with on my own! Plus thats not even the worst part THEY WONT LEAVE ME ALONE! They watch over me as I sleep to make sure I'm okay." I explain as I start cutting up some veggies to make soup. 'I haven't even been able to cook, bake or brew due to those four.' "Well thats a lot" 'ya think' I say in a duh tone putting the veggies in the broth. 'its like I'm a toddler again with you at my every beck and call. Except this time I'm grown, I have four of you, and I don't need them waiting on me hand and foot 24/7. If I were about to pop I'd get it but I still got five months to go. Ugh I hate this feeling of this.... forced dependance on them, when its not nessicary in the slightest.' I tell her with frustrated tears running down my cheeks 'I like to be the one depend on, not the one in need. Especially when I don't need it.' I say breaking into a sob. "Oh Harry, this sounds awful. Have you tried talking with them?" 'I cant' "And why not" 'Because we made a deal that they could help once I reached four months' "Harry, theres a difference between helping and being over barring." She tells me as she wipes away my tears "Just tell them how you feel" 'okay Gemma you're right, but for right now I'm gonna eat and enjoy my time away' I was just about to dish some soup into a bowls for me and Gemma when I heard a collective group of voices yell "HARRY" with four pairs of feet running towards me.

    Guess I can now say the longest they've left me alone is now ten minutes.

Hello world, 

Hope your enjoying my story. thank you to all those who voted on my story it makes my day. Don't worry I didn't forget about what Liam said in the last part, he was just foreshadowing a bit. Comment down below if you have ideas or are just enjoying the story.   

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