Chapter Three

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Valeria POV

Two weeks later.

I think I escaped one prison to only become trapped in another.

Niall saw me in the window that night.

He, nor any or his mates have left me alone since the following morning, someone is always around. Even if I can't see them I've been hovered over, with zero privacy most of my life to know when I'm being watched.

Or maybe you're just becoming paranoid, thinking he's got people watching you. The voice inside my head argued.

If he had people watching me why hasn't he come to take me or Elius back.

He always did like mind games, wanted me to drive myself crazy so I'd have no choice but to depend on him.

Although, I don't think they want me to know I'm being watched. Any normal person wouldn't even suspect they were being watched.

But after living in an environment where you had no freedom, someone always breathing down your neck you pick up on small things. Like the way your skin slightly tingles or there's a slight shift in the air around you.

" Come on E we got to get going!" Standing by the door the my sneakers tapping against the floor as I check the time again watching as the limited number of time I have to get to the daycare continues to tick away as I continue wait on Elius who demands he brushes his own teeth like the "big boy he is" only for him to take more then ten minutes to do so.

" I'm coming!" His sweet voices hollers from the hallway the sound of his little shoes thumping against the hardwood as he makes his way to the front door.

" Alright buddy, let's go, we're gonna be late if we don't get a move on." I usher him out of the door making sure to lock the it behind me. Turning around I see him already half way down the hall way causing my eyes to widen still not used to how fast he's become now that he's far healthier than he was prior to coming here.

" Come on Mama hurry!" He jumps up and down at the end of the hallway his finger pressing the button to the elevator as I speed walk through the empty hallway to catch up to him.

As soon as I reach the end of the hallway the elevator door opens with a loud ding Elius rushing inside pressing the bottom left bottom as I've shown him leads to the lobby.

" I cant wait to see Joey and Sowlit!"

"Its Scarlett baby and I'm sure they cant wait to see you either." Those three have practically become inseparable always playing together despite her fathers nagging to Amara claiming she should be reading, learning not spending her free time roughhousing around with a bunch of boys.

Why do people always think their children have to be perfect? Don't they know what that pressure does to a child.

Combing my fingers through his hair in an effort to calm the crazy toddler he swats my hand away his fingers flying to his hair as he attempts to fix it only making it worse.

Once the elevator door dings we exit into the lobby, my body almost slamming into chest right in front of me.

If I had a dime for every time that's happened since arriving here I'd be ten dollars richer.

" S-sorry." I mumble as I go to step around the person when I notice Eli sliding past the person and into the lobby walking to the front desk to say hello to the head of security Lilliana's boyfriend Zayn.

A large arm against the door prevents me from exciting my eyes widening as I slowly glance up to the face that wont let me leave.

Forest green eyes bore into mine, a shiver rolling down my spine as I take a small step back my breath growing heavier out of fear of feeling trapped.

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