Chapter Twenty-One

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Niall POV

This is the second part to the triple update, make sure you read chapter twenty first!


I was moments away from losing my shit.

I was supposed to be at the club to celebrate Amara's birthday in less than two hours and I was miles outside of the city because Braedon had called me informing me that Angel had been spotted in Cambridge, with a blonde woman that resembled Katia.

Liam had his monthly meeting in Cambridge this week.

If I catch that bastard with him I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from murdering him on the spot, even if it would totally fûck up my plan to get to Rowan.

I had a very very short temper when it came to rats, and I was already convinced Liam was one, even if I counted him as one of my closest mates, you couldn't truly trust anyone in our line of business.

My voices were also extremely restless, I hadn't tortured anyone in days and my hands were itching to feel blood on my hands embedding itself in my nails.

I missed the sound of screaming, the way it made a rush of adrenaline coarse through my body when my victims screamed in agony.

It was an addiction, the blood, the violence, the piercing screams, the adrenaline.

I was an addict, and I desperately needed a fix.

Especially if I was supposed to deal with Amara for the rest of the night.

I loved my sister, but she was extremely hard to be around on her birthday, she got plastered and I mean completely trashed. She always made sure to make the biggest scene possible no matter where we spent her birthday.

I was also on edge about tonight because the last time we were all together at Fantasia it was shot up.

I didn't have the patience to deal with another shooting, unless I was the one doing it.

It didn't help that my voices still hadn't gotten over their obsession with Valeria, or Antonella.

I wasn't going to start calling her Antonella, even if it's extremely tempting because I know how upset it makes her.

I got a kick out of getting on her nerves, I couldn't help it, my voices loved riling hers up and I just liked messing with her.

I understood a lot more now though, it's obvious I still don't know the full story but I know a lot more, I know why she changed her name, why she got out of that situation and why she's so protective over children, even if they aren't hers.

She was a lot stronger than I gave her credit for.

Truthfully, I was surprised she had even told me anything, even though I probably made it look like I wasn't giving her much of a choice. I had still expected her to fight back a little, give me an attitude at least.

All I had said to her when she told me was "Alright." And fuck if I didn't want to punch myself for being such a piece of shit. But, I was doing everything I could to stop myself from completely losing my shit.

There was so much more I wanted to say, I wanted to thank her for telling me, tell her what had happened wasn't her fault, that she was doing everything she could so she didn't lose her son.

Fuck, I had even wanted to hug her at one point, just so I didn't have to see the tears that stained her cheeks as she spoke about what had happened, what I had made her relive.

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