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The sound of branches and crisp autumn leaves crunching under my feet echo throughout the dark and freezing woods as I run. Each step sends a jarring pain throughout my entire body, son clinging to my side from the place I used to call home before it quickly turned into a prison that has haunted my dreams every night for the past years.

Thick tears roll down my reddened cheeks, heart pounding loudly against my chest, lungs burning as I gasp for air. My body littered with bruises only my face free of them, joints sore from the quick movements of my running scream at me to stop. But I can't, he'll kill my son and I if he catches us.

The frigid midnight air doing nothing to help the icy chill rolling down my barely clothed body. Whimpers and the chattering of small teeth against my neck push me to run faster despite my weakened body's protest.

Branches snapping in the distance warn me that he's getting closer. The sound of his loud booming voice echoing throughout the woods makes a chill run down my spine, the sound of it as if it were surrounding me, closing in on me, causing my blood to run cold as I shook in fear. I felt myself slowing down as if I couldn't control my body any longer, he was close I could feel it.

My eyes brimmed with tears knowing it was no use I wouldn't escape him, he had his claws in too deep. He was going to kill me, us, he was going to kill us.

"Mama." A small voice whispered against my neck, the voice was so weak and fragile. "Mama please, he's gonna hurt us."

I could feel his small tears soaking my neck as he clung to me his body shaking from the pain and cold. He removed his face from my neck grasping my head in his small hands his icy blue eyes filled with tears looked into my dull green ones, "Please mama." His small voice pleaded with me, it still shocked me how much he understood of the situation, that he knew what his father did wasn't right, at four years old he should be playing with toys, having play dates, living a normal childhood, not experiencing the abuse I tried so hard to shelter him from.

Blinking back tears I nodded my head hugging him to me tighter as I began running through the woods once more, slightly surprised but grateful he hadn't managed to catch up to us yet.

After running for what feels likes miles I finally see in the distance the lights of the cab on the other side of the property signaling hope for finally after so much agony and torture a chance at escaping the prison I've been forced into the last years.

Running as fast as my weakened legs will carry me I don't hesitate to throw the small backpack I was able to bring across the back seat before throwing my son and I inside of the cab startling the driver before I beg him to drive as I look over my shoulder and out the back window to see the man I once loved coming out of the woods with a deep scowl on his chiseled face as blood pours down his face from the large cut on his left temple I had caused when I smashed the glass lamp over the side of his head in an attempt to stop him from hurting our son and I again. His toned chest rises and falls against his blood-soaked wife beater as he stands at over six feet in height his fist clenched against his sides. Steel-blue eyes glare into the back of the cab as it speedily drives down the main road towards our freedom.

Turning back around I'm faced with worried eyes looking at me through the rearview mirror, smiling softly at the man I ask him quietly to take us to the airport before turning my attention to my son whos face stays buried in my neck bringing my fingers up I begin running them through his dirty blonde hair. My other hand rubbing up and down his back in an attempt to warm his shivering body.

Upon reaching the airport, I thank the driver before pulling out the needed money from the envelope full of cash I was able to steal before making my escape.

Putting the envelope back into the backpack resting on my left shoulder I make my way out of the cab son resting on my hip and begin walking into the main entrance of the Seattle-Tacoma international airport.

Dodging to the left I walk towards the bathroom, peaking inside I look around and see it's empty. Rushing inside I quickly lock the door behind me Setting my son on the counter I fumble through the backpack and pull out the extra clothes dressing myself hurriedly in a cream-colored turtle neck and black skinny jeans before doing the same to my son.

Throwing the blood and dirt soaked ratted clothes into the bin, I proceed to clean the dirt from both of our faces with soap and paper towels. Once done I grab my son from the counter and allow him to wrap his small frail arms around my neck taking a deep breath before exiting the bathroom.

I try to ease my nervous shaking body as I give the TSO my son and I's ID and passports containing our new identities, Valeria and Elius Moreno. Once done and we get through checking we sit in the boarding area as we wait to board the plane to our newfound freedom, our second chance. London England.

Less than an hour later I'm sat towards the back of the plane, my son in the window seat with a small weak smile gracing his handsome face as he continues to look out the window when the plane begins to take off, his little hand clutching mine tightly.

Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and let the realization hit me that we got out, we're safe.

AN: And there's the prologue, I know it's kind of short but it was just the background needed that leads to the actual story.

Welcome to Escape, and thank you so much for checking out my story, I appreciate you.

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