Chapter Twenty-Four

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Valeria POV

I really don't know what I would do without Karen. I don't think she realized how much of a saving grace she was in this moment.

I had spent the last twenty five minutes freaking out over Elius and Scarlett, Niall and I were supposed to pick them up in an hour and I wasn't exactly sure how Niall was going to be able to handle taking care of Scarlett. Not that I doubted his parenting skills, but he was so out of it right now, he needed to just take a day to try to get himself better.

He was in no emotional state to take care of a child, and that was okay. I knew it would only make him feel worse about himself but he needed today to just be vulnerable, he wasn't giving up on Scarlett, he wasn't being a bad father. But, he couldn't even tell Amara about what had happened, couldn't even answer his phone when she called and when I answered the phone after the third call he all but begged me not to tell her, he didn't want to worry her.

Even without me saying anything though she knew something was up, but this was apparently the way Niall was, he always dealt with everything on his own, he never let anyone just be there for him.

She was extremely surprised he was even letting me help, that kind of made both of us.

She had asked if she needed to come over and when Niall had begun to hyperventilate in the car again I told her no and that everything was fine.

I don't think the way I abruptly hung up the phone did anything to reassure her, but Niall was my main priority in that moment.

I had all but cried when Karen called saying the kids were asking if they could stay another night.

It meant I could worry about Niall, make sure he was okay, or as okay as he could be, without having to worry about Elius and Scarlett. I knew they were safe with Karen.

Niall had barely seemed to notice when Karen called, he just sat on the couch in the guest house staring at the wall. He was so out of it I was surprised he even noticed when I got up from the couch.

The look on his eyes when he grabbed my arm to stop me from leaving made my chest tight. I hadn't wanted to leave him, I was actually afraid to but I hadn't used the bathroom in over twelve hours and I couldn't wait any longer.

I hadn't even bothered to change out of the dress or wipe off any of my makeup before rushing back to Niall.

I wasn't worried about my appearance right now.

I was worried about leaving him alone, even if only for a short amount of time.

My heart dropped when I walked back into the living room to find it empty.

" Niall!" I had all but shouted, my voice nearly cracking.

I had barely heard him when he spoke from the other end of the house, his voice small, like he didn't have the energy to talk.

Instantly rushing in the direction of his voice I found him in one of the guest rooms, sat on the bed with his head in his tattooed hands, fingers tugging on the roots.

"Hey," I whispered, crouching down before needing to sit on my knees due to the dress. My hands had hesitatingly reached up to his hands in hops to get him to loosen his grip, the grip having to hurt.

His entire body flinched when my hands made contact with his, his wide bloodshot eyes snapping to mine, the blue in his eyes shades darker than this morning. He looked at me as if he didn't know who sat in front of him."

" Niall," I murmured, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible. I slowly retracted my hands, not wanting to worry him.

The movement seemed to catch his attention, his eyes snapping to my arms.

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