Chapter Four

546 29 37

Valeria POV

TW: mention of abuse and miscarriages.
AN:This chapter will contain some Spanish and I just wanna make it known it's not my intention to offend anyone if I misspell or misuse any words I'm honestly using a translate app but I wanted to add it in (from this point on in the story) because it is Valeria's first language. Also thank you for over 100 reads I appreciate each of you so much!

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was going to die tonight.

It wasn't the first time I'd felt this way, I thought I wasn't going to make it through the night a lot when I was with my ex.

The feeling then was extremely similar to how I'm feeling now.

Niall had literally taken me out of the daycare without anyone seeing me, he literally had a gun on me.

Was this his doing, had my ex found me already? I always knew it was only a matter of time.

Was he here now, right outside?

What if this had nothing to do with him and I had just become victim to a psychopath?

Was Elius okay? What would happen to him if I didn't make it out.

He would find him, if he hadn't already.

Oh God.


I was so confused, so many thoughts running through my head causing it to ache more than it already was.

I could here voices speaking in the distance too afraid to open my eyes my head slumped forward.

The room I was in reeked of blood, flooding my nostrils with the putrid smell.

I could feel something tied around my wrist that were hung behind me every muscle in my body ached.

" You can open your eyes now, I know you're awake." A husky voice whispered into the air directly in front of me scaring the hell out of me seeing as I wasn't expecting anyone else to be in the room because of how quiet it was.

I slowly start to open my eyes blinking multiple times due to the brightness of the fluorescent lights. " Hello Bunny, glad you could join us."

Niall stood directly in front of me knees bent so he was in direct level with me his sea blue eyes peering into my dull green ones a predatory smirk on his face which showcased a small dimple.

His face so close to mine I could see the small very faint freckles that were scattered all over his face.

I could feel his breath that reeked of alcohol on my face as he exhaled.

I looked around the room expecting to see another person but found no one, the room completely empty besides Niall and I. " U-us?"

My voice comes out hoarse and raspy. My eyes going wide as he points to his head.

" Us." He confirms with a slight head nod.


He means the voices.

" So, last chance. Now mind you, I'm being nice. Most people I would have already been torturing for hours. What, are you hiding?" Nice? He calls this nice? He practically kidnapped me. he knocked me unconscious and tied me to a chair.

Shut up. You know how much worse this could be.

" I- I swear, I'm not hid-ding anything." I stutter out.

He inhales deeply standing up straight his eyes narrowing into slits his face now hard as stone.

" Then why'd you leave, as suddenly as you did, you literally needed an place to live within what a week? That's a bit suspicious don't you think?"

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