Chapter Eleven

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Valeria POV

TW: extreme graphic violence, blood, mention of assault and attempted assault as well as drug use and mention of drug addiction.

I had lost track of how many hours it had been, I can't remember the last time I was ever in as much pain as I was in right now. It seemed to be the only thing I could focus on, the pain so intense it was clouding every other sense I had.

I could barely open my eyes the throbbing in my head intensifying every time I even thought about opening them. I could feel without even needing to physically touch my skin how bruised and swollen it was, it was a feeling I was quite familiar with.

Most of my body was covered in bruises, my face was the worst, I was sure by the pain and lack of airflow my nose was broken.

The last thing I remembered before waking up in this place was fighting against the man as he carried me out of Niall's home, how I fought against him, kicking and punching until a sharp pinch to my neck stopped me a loud gasp leaving my lips, my body going slack within seconds as I drifted into darkness unable to fight against whatever he injected me with.

It was the feeling of rough hands against my barely clothed legs slowly inching towards my thighs that woke me, my head feeling heavier than it ever had before, it took all the strength I had to kick their hands off of me, their faces hidden beneath a painted mask.

A sadistic chuckle coming from their lips when I continued to fight against them when they kept touching me, grabbing onto me, like I was a piece of meat.

Their hands only leaving me when the man from Niall's house came inside the room I was locked in shouting something about not touching the prize until Niall got here, how they wanted to force him to watch as they fucked his "Conejito" the way she deserved to be. Although, that didn't stop them from beating me to their hearts content.

They seemed completely sure he was going to come for me, that he actually cared. I wasn't stupid enough to believe that, to him I was nothing more than some American Whore he couldn't trust. He was probably thanking the stars I was gone.

I had a feeling they were going to kill me when he didn't show, they'd see no reason to keep me around once they realized he didn't care the way they had assumed he did.

Whatever happened, whatever they did to me I couldn't let them kill me, even if I had a feeling that's exactly what they were going to do.

I would fight against them as hard as I could, even though I had nothing to use, no weapon, despite how weak I was, despite how I could barely move due to the pain and drugs still lingering in my body I was going to fight with everything I had, I couldn't leave Elius alone, he needed me.

He had already been though so much, I wasn't going to let him lose his mom on top of it all. I couldn't let him know the pain of losing his person, I knew that pain, I had been through it and I'd be damned if my baby suffered any pain further than what he's already experienced.

The sound of heavy footsteps outside of the room I was in made me scoot back against the dirty wall hisses of pain coming from my lips the hard concrete scraping against the back of my bruised thighs sending shocks of pain throughout my entire body.

I tried to blink my eyes open as I heard the door open my body involuntarily curling into itself. After multiple tries I gave up the throbbing in my head to great as I pressed my head to my knees my swollen and bruised eyes still shut.

" Now now, Conejito don't look so down, your boyfriend should be here soon, then we'll have so much fun together, yeah?" I could tell by his voice alone it was the man at Niall's home. His large hands wrapped around my knotted hair ripping it back, a pathetic whimper coming from my lips as he craned my head back. I could tell his face was directly over mine his harsh breath hitting my face, the smell of whiskey and cigarettes filling my nostrils.

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