Chapter Nine

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Harry POV

TW: Extreme violence and blood.

Niall was spiraling again and I didn't know how to help him.

He had tortured and brutally murdered more people this last week than he usually did in an entire year.

He was no longer even killing them for the wrong things they had done, he no longer interrogated them before torture, no longer questioned why they were there in the first place.

Instead he did nothing but rant about Valeria the entire time, I think he drove me more crazy than his actual victims.

Whether it was about how early she got up, or how she had already created a routine with Scarlett and her son after only being there a week.

Or how much it irritated him that she refused to acknowledge him, she was always kind, which I think angered him the most, but she never took the time out of her day to speak to him.

He hated how something had apparently changed the day after the shooting, she no longer seemed to fear him as much as she had before.

He went on and on about how much she reminded him of himself that day, the look in her eyes when he threatened her son, that all to familiar darkness in them making itself known.

He knew by that look alone she wasn't acting, at least not at that moment. With how quickly she reacted he said there was no way she would have been able to control it. Yet he was still convinced she couldn't be trusted, that she was lying, about what, he wasn't sure.

But, Katia had messed with him so bad he promised he'd never trust another female, and he hadn't broken that promise within the last five years.

I'll admit, in the beginning I didn't trust Valeria either, it was hard to trust people when you lived the life that we did.

Money and power was worth more than most people in our life, it didn't matter how much you had been through together, with enough money or power involved it could make you betray even your closest allies without a second thought.

By the sixth hour his victims were no longer begging for death out of pain, despite how much he still managed to cause, it was always because they couldn't stand another minute of his bitching about the "American Whore".

I was to that point too, I think we all were, Zayn, Louis and myself I mean.

We were all currently on our way to meet Niall for yet another meeting, the fourth one this week to be exact, each ending in the same way, a bloody massacre.

" So, anyone know what this emergency meeting is about?" Louis spoke up from the passenger seat looking around everyone in the car as I drove towards the main warehouse with a cigarette between my lips.

" Found the people who shot up the club. Niall wants to move in on them, interrogate them but we needed to discuss the plan first."

" In other words Niall's going to massacre fifteen more people?" Zayn questioned.

I shook my head exhaling the smoke, my ring clad fingers flexing around the steering wheel. " Nah, we actually get to have some fun as well this time." I smirked looking at both of them.

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