Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Valeria POV
Authors note: Thank you so much for 6k reads, I love and appreciate you all endlessly.
Enjoy ;)

His tongue slipped into my mouth setting my body alight. The kiss was slow, hesitant. This was the first time I had willingly kissed someone in years.

It was something I was so unused to, of enjoying the feel of someone's lips on mine.

Niall's lips were soft against mine, he seemed as hesitant as I was.

He let me lead the kiss, my lips moving against his gently. The minute my tongue makes contact with his it's like an avalanche crashing down the mountain, making my entire body shudder, a small moan escaping lips.

One of Niall's hands tighten around my jaw in response, the other moving to my cheek, caressing it softly.

Slowly, I felt him pull away from me, blowing out a shaky breath. I blinked my eyes open when I felt him lean his forehead against mine.

He had a stupid lopsided smile on his face, eyes glazed over.

He wasn't drunk, he didn't smell like a bar, he just looked sedated, happy almost.

" I can't believe you did that." He whispered, lips inches away from mine.

" Me neither." I licked my lips savoring the taste of him. Like mint. His eyes looked down to watch my movement.

Sucking in a sharp breath, his dilating eyes snap back to mine, " Wanna do it again?" his voice comes out hoarse.

" Yes." The word leaves my mouth without a second of hesitation.

My lips crash into his, the urgency of the kiss outweighing the hesitancy we both felt.

His mouth moved hungrily against mine, his tongue exploring every crevice of my mouth the moment I opened for him.

My hands slowly slid from their place on his hips up his chest feeling the hard muscles flex beneath my finger tips, nails dragging against the soft warm flesh of his chest, the top of his shirt unbuttoned. My fingers continue their way upward, hands weaving into soft brown hair at the nape of his neck pulling him closer to me, my body flush against his.

" Fuck." he groans into the kiss.

I felt like I couldn't get close enough to him, like I couldn't get enough of him. A single kiss and I was completely consumed with him.

The voices inside my head were going feral with need, they knew even though he hadn't said anything that his were back, his voices were the only thing that made mine act so wild and uncontrolled.

Kicking the front door shut with his foot, Niall steps backwards until his back hit the door he just slammed shut with his foot.

With a hand on my jaw he tugged me back into his body, lips never losing rhythm against mine.

His other hand slowly trailed down from my jaw until it reached my hip, the movement hesitant like he wasn't sure if it was okay.

I nodded my head into the kiss. His hand gripped my hip tugging me even harder into him.

The kiss is a mess of clashing teeth and tongues, each of us trying to keep up with the other.

My hands tug tighter against the hair at the nape of his neck, a deep groan reverberating from within his chest.

He tears his lips from mine, darkened lust filled eyes boring into mine, any sense of hesitance completely thrown out the window. The hand on my jaw tightens as he turns my face to the side exposing my neck to him.

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