Chapter 10 - The Concern

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15th April 1995

A/N: Apologise for the time jump but did you really think this was going to be that boring to go through each year?

It was a quarter after one and Talia still hadn't gone to sleep yet, between Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures & Muggle Studies she still had at least 3 pages of homework due by the end of the month for each class. That was without Quidditch Practice and Duelling Club added on top. She had unsuccessfully managed to avoid Professor Snape since the fall despite hexing Draco Malfoy multiple times since. As she sat on the floor of the common room studying most nights, sometimes with Hermione for company, it was becoming apparent to most of the Gryffindors that Talia seemed to be pushing herself into her school work even more so than usual. "Are you sure you're okay?" Rachel whispered later that day during Herbology, noticing the dark circles under Talia's eyes. "I'm fine, Rachel I promise" Talia smiled weakly as she continued repotting mandrakes. The news that Talia Black wasn't her normal self seemed to have gotten around the castle pretty quickly as she was being asked by not only every student but every Professor too. "Miss Black, would you mind staying behind one moment, I'd like to have a word" Professor McGonagall called just as Transfiguration ended. "Yes, Grandmother?" Talia questioned when she was sure that the pair were completely alone. "My dear, many of your fellow Gryffindors have come to me worried about how little sleep you're getting" Professor McGonagall sighed as she perched daintily on her desk. "I've been sleeping just fine," Talia snorted as she crossed her arms. "I highly doubt it, Talia. Just by looking at you I can see the signs" Minerva sighed as she gently placed her hand on her granddaughters shoulder. "Nothing gets passed you huh?" Talia smiled softly, a light chuckle leaving her lips. "No it doesn't" Minerva paused as she tried to see if Talia would tell her what was troubling her on her own. "I promise I'll try to get more sleep, Gran. I just have a few more papers due and then I should be all right" Talia reassured as she reached to hug her grandmother before seamlessly slipping out the door. Minerva shook her head unconvinced at her granddaughter's words and decided to go and get a second opinion. As expected Albus was already waiting for Minerva to join him. "It's Talia, she isn't sleeping well and she hasn't helped the twins with any pranks in awhile" Minerva rushed as they both made their way to his office where they could sit properly. "I've just spoken to Severus and it seems he's down on ingredients for Pepper Up potions which he was due to teach second years" Albus noted as he took a seat in his high backed chair. "You don't think Talia's behind his ingredients going missing do you?" Minerva questioned deep concern lacing her voice. "I wouldn't have thought so but even then to ingest that much Pepper Up potion, why it's enough to make anyone gravely ill" Albus hummed as he fiddled with his quill. "I will have to make an enquiry with Severus" Minerva sighed as she fiddled with the hem of her robe. "There will be no need Minerva, I was on my way up the stairs as my name was mentioned" Severus spoke from the stairwell before making his way to Minerva's side. "Severus, I didn't hear you come in" Albus spoke as he stood from his chair. "I too have had my concerns about Miss Black and if you believe that this is the results of her creating Pepper Up potions unsupervised it could go wrong" Severus sighed as he lowered himself into the chair next to Minerva's. "What do you suggest we do Albus?" Minerva questioned as she watched her dearest friend and colleague try to work out a solution.

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