Chapter 25: One Last Dance

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As things started heating up around Hogwarts, everyone was getting antsy with not knowing when Lord Voldemort would strike. Looking out of the window of her hideaway, Talia sighed with her book slumped open on her knee. She had lost interest in what she was reading moments ago and instead concentrated on the rain falling down the window instead. As Talia leaned her head against the windowsill, the fire crackled almost menacingly as the winds outside picked up and a deep thunderous rumble. “I'd have thought that you would know better than to sit so close to the window this time of year, you're mother would have my guts for garters if she learnt that I let you get a cold” a voice came from the fire. “I’m fine, Grandmother. Can I help you with something?” Talia sighed in exasperation, snapping her book shut, evidently losing her page. “Lia, you've come a long way with your learning inside and outside of the classroom, however I do worry about you. You seem to spend more of your time cooped up in this room.” Minerva sighed, the concern clear I'm her voice. “It's quieter than the common room, Gran. Besides the room of Requirement is kept for DA meetings. Also this is one of the only rooms that Professor Umbridge doesn't know about to I can practise my magic without interruption, or so I thought” Talia huffed as she grabbed a chair and pulled it closer to the fire. “You're a bright and gifted witch, Lia. Both you and Miss Granger are top of your classes” “Please, hold the lecture grandma.” Talia interrupted holding out her hand to the image if her grandmothers face. “If I wanted a lecture I'd write to my mother. She's plenty capable of delivering those on her own.” “If you feel like that I'll leave you alone, but Lia, with you attending Death Eater meetings, I can't help but worry.” Minerva grumbled before disappearing. Talia rubbed her neck and groaned feeling a mixture of tense and irritated. “I think you were a little harsh to your grandmother, dear.” Professor Snape’s voice rumbled from the doorway. “I can’t have her or my mother getting in the way of the next phase of our plan, Severus. If I have to be cruel to be kind then so be it” Talia sighed, leaning back in the chair. “Give them a little leniency, they just see that you're pulling away from them but they can't understand why” “Ever the voice of fucking reason.” “Well someone has to be. You’re letting your anger cloud your judgement.” Severus sighed as he pulled Talia into his chest, it was only at that moment that she noticed he had ditched his usual cloak and was in dress robes. “What’re you all dressed up for?” Talia questioned, her brow furrowed as she looked up from him. “I thought I’d try something new.” Severus shrugged, fiddling with the collar. “Don't mess with it. I have the perfect use for you in dress robes, just hold on a second” Talia smiled cheekily as she quickly reached for her wand. With a quick swish of her wand, Talia had changed into a dress and with another she conjured the stereo from within the cupboard and quickly set it to a muggle radio station. “I thought technology wasn't allowed within the halls of Hogwarts?” Severus questioned with his eyebrow raised “You're forgetting the one class that even Harry can pass with flying colours; Muggle Studies” Talia smirked with a slight head tilt. The radio came to life on a station playing classical music, with the host preparing to play the next piece. “You do remember how to dance, don't you Professor?” “I haven't forgotten since the last time we danced, if that's what you're implying” Severus smiled as he held his hand out to her. Firing a quick combination spell to the door, Talia gladly took his hand, dancing with him until the music faded into the background. “I don’t know where this is going for us, Severus” Talia whispered, not wanting to break the spell that they seemed for find themselves in. “It’s going to be dangerous, Lia that much I can tell you. Lord Voldemort won't stop until Harry is dead.” “And Harry will do anything to protect Hogwarts and everyone inside. My job, is to make sure that no one dies at all and that includes you” “No, it's my duty to protect you. Your grandmother made me swear to it that I would protect you, no matter the cost” “I fear that Nagini is going to be more of a threat than what we are currently imagining” “I doubt we have much to worry about however now isn't the time to come up with a contingency plan, I want to enjoy this moment with you a little longer before we have to worry about what's going on outside these walls.” “You’re right, you're right. I'm sorry, like I said I'm just worried that’a all” Talia sighed as she rested her head against his chest. “Look at me, you have every right to be worried, you wouldn't be human if you didn't but I promise you, nothing is going to happen to me” Severus smiled softly, trying to conceal his own concern as he titled her head up to look at him properly. “Good because I don't think I'd be able to survive if anything were to happen to you” Talia whispered as she stared into his eyes. In that moment, in an attempt to assuage her fears, Severus leaned down and softly kissed Talia on the lips. He was about to pull back almost as quickly as he could but Talia just held him in place not letting him move.

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