The Sorting Ceremony

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This was the moment that Talia had waited for her whole life, here she was standing in a corridor waiting to be sorted into her house. She wondered whether or not she would be a Gryffindor like both her parents and her God-father or if she would be put into Slytherin like most of her father's family. She truly hoped that she was much more like her mother and be placed into Gryffindor but she would also be happy with being placed into Ravenclaw. Behind her, Talia heard the whispers of another girl hoping to be placed in Hufflepuff. "You okay?" Talia questioned as she turned to face the other student. "Oh yeah, I just really want to be a Hufflepuff." The girl smiled as she looked up at Talia. "I'm Talia Stark by the way, and you are?" Talia smiled in return, holding her hand out. "Oh, I'm Rachel. Rachel Scamander." She chuckled as she shook Talia's hand. "Scamander as in Newt Scamander?" Talia quizzed a surprised look on her face. "The one and only" Rachel chuckled. "Remind me to ask you about him sometime" Talia chuckled too. The pair continued talking for a while until they were interrupted by Professor McGonagall starting the call for first years to be sorted.

 When it finally came for Talia to be sorted she glided towards the stool where the sorting hat sat. Professor McGonagall lifted the hat for a moment so that Talia could sit on the stool before placing the hat on top of Talia's head. "Hmmm, I see there is a lot of potential with you child. Yes you are not stuff of legends like Harry Potter but people will remember you." The Sorting hat whispered in her ears as it tried to make its decision. Keeping quiet Talia allowed the hat to continue thinking. "Hmm, yes great things are expected of you. Hmm, very well. Gryffindor!" The sorting hat yelled the last word and Talia made her way to the Gryffindor table. "Glad to have you join us" Ron smirked as Talia ruffled his hair. "I was worried there for a minute" Harry admitted "Ya can't get rid of me that easily" Talia laughed. As expected, Talia saw Rachel make it into Hufflepuff and Ron thought that Talia might lose her voice with how loudly she was cheering for the Hufflepuff. After the welcome dinner and the sorting, all houses retired to their respective dorms before retiring for the night.

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