Chapter 8: The Fall

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The following Friday night, Talia snuck down into the potions classroom to borrow some ingredients out of the store cupboard. Little did she know that as she rummaged through the cupboard that her every movement was being watched. "Miss Stark, what are you doing in my personal store?" Professor Snape spoke, his voice deep and raspy despite the hidden tint of exhaustion. "I'm in here looking for the entrance to Narnia. What does it look like I'm doing?" Talia snapped irritably as she climbed onto the counter more as she tried to get a better look at the vials in the back. "Miss Stark, needn't I remind you that you're not talking to one of your little friends." Professor Snape barked after a considerable pause. Talia ignored him as she continued to search for whatever ingredient she desired as climbed higher and higher almost to the top shelves. "I almost have it'' Talia muttered before she misplaced her step and tumbled back towards the hard concrete floor of the store cupboard. Bracing for impact and a possible broken wrist, Talia was surprised when she opened her eyes to find Professor Snape staring at her with worry in his eyes. The both of them stayed in that position for a short while just staring at each other, fearing that if they looked away even for a split second one of them would forget to breathe. "You should be more careful" Professor Snape uttered, barely above a whisper. "And you shouldn't have so many ingredients up high" Talia huffed as she crossed her arms. "Miss Stark, you forget I have no need for a ladder" Professor Snape chuckled as he gently set her down. "Did I just hear, Potions Master, Professor Severus Tobias Snape, chuckle?" Talia smiled softly as she placed her hand on his chest to regain her balance. "How do yo-? Professor Snape asked his eyebrow raised in surprise. "I did some reading over the festive period" Talia explained as she slipped out of his embrace once she felt less dizzy. Clearing his throat, Professor Snape stepped back slightly "What was it you were after? I may have some spare". "A sleeping potion and some Wolfsbane" Talia muttered as she wrapped her robes tighter herself, the draft of the potions classroom causing her to involuntarily shiver. "Give me a few days and I'll get them both to you" Professor Snape nodded as he turned to leave. "Professor!" Talia called after him causing him to turn around quickly. "Yes?" Professor Snape hummed as he watched her. "Thank you for catching me" Talia smiled softly, before quickly darting out the door. 

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