Chapter 6: Christmas at Hogwarts

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A/N: This is just a short filler chapter so that you guys get to see the friendship between Talia and the Twins.

December 23rd 1991

Talia sat quietly inside the Gryffindor common room, her winter robes on, a mug of hot chocolate in her left hand, a blanket draped loosely across her lap and a copy of Quidditch Through The Ages resting on her knees. "Talia what are you still doing here?" Fred questioned as he sat on the chair opposite her. "I could ask you and George the same thing" Talia chuckled as she sipped her hot chocolate. "Mum has enough to worry about with Bill, Percy, Charlie and Ginny she doesn't need us there too" George shrugged as he sat next to his brother. "My mum has her hands full with my little sister Isabelle. I owl-ed her a few weeks ago and asked if I could stay over christmas and she said yes and that she'll send my presents here." Talia shrugged as she carefully closed the book and placed her hot chocolate on the coffee table next to her. "That's good. At least you're still getting your presents" Fred chuckled as he leaned back in his chair. "Don't you miss your family though?" George questioned as he crossed his legs. "Of course I do but with my sister around she has a habit of waking up super early even when it isn't christmas" Talia sighed as she leant forward putting her head in her hands. "It's alright Talia, we understand." George smiled as he crouched next to her in order to comfort her. "I'm sorry guys, maybe you should just go and enjoy the celebrations with the others" Talia smiled weakly as she looked up at the twins. "And leave you here on your own? Absolutely not!" Fred exclaimed appalled at the idea of leaving Talia alone. "Thanks guys. You have no idea how much this means to me" Talia smiled softly, her eyes still wet with tears. The three of them planned pranks for the upcoming term, played wizard chess, made cookies and cupcakes ready for when everyone came back. 

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