Chapter 3: The Journey to Hogwarts

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September 1st 1991
Pulling up to Kings Cross station, Remus noticed that Talia looked a little worried so while Cassandra got her trunk and Owl out of the boot of the car he pulled her to one side. “Are you okay, Ladybug?” Remus questioned as he knelt down to her eye level “I’m fine uncle Remmy” Talia tried to lie which caused Remus to chuckle. “You’ve just got first day jitters, you’ll be fine and you’ll make lots of friends” Remus smiled softly as he ruffled her hair before standing up again. “Straight through the wall between platforms 9 & 10, we’ll be right behind you” Cassandra instructed, as she encouraged Talia forward. Bracing herself for impact, Talia dove through the wall popping out onto the correct platform. In front of them they noticed a predominately red haired family. “Remus is that, Molly Weasley?!” Cassandra questioned as she appeared next to Talia, Remus and Isabelle following behind. “Why yes it is” Remus responded as he spotted the woman. “Blimey! Last time I saw her she and Arthur just got married” Cassandra chuckled in surprise as she approached the slightly older woman. “Cassandra Stark! How lovely to see you” Molly called once she spotted the blonde walking towards her. The pair embraced each other for a moment before parting and making small talk. Arthur & Remus made sure that the children got on the train where Talia, Ron & Harry decided to sit together. The three of them all made small talk on the way to Hogwarts when all of a sudden a girl, with long flowing curly hair popped her head into their compartment. "You haven't seen a toad have you?" She questioned looking around for the lost pet. “Is it yours?” Talia asked as she checked under the bench. “No it’s a kid named Neville’s I just told him I’d help him find it. I’m Hermione Granger by the way, and you are?” spoked the curly haired girl. "I'm Talia Stark, this is Ron Weasley and this is Harry Potter" Talia smiled as she introduced everyone in the compartment. "Pleasure" Hermione smiled as she politely shook everyone's hands. "Are you in your first year too?" Ron asked, his eyes twinkling almost as if he were star struck. "I am. I'm a muggleborn" Hermione admitted lowering her head slightly. "You can come sit with us if you like, that is if you have any luck finding the toad" Harry added although he had mostly been quiet. I might take you up on that. There's a bunch of purebloods in the compartment opposite and they're not the most pleasant" Hermione frowned as a scowl formed on her forehead. "Well there's plenty of room here if you need an escape, Hermione" Talia smiled softly before Hermione left the compartment. A few minutes later, Hermione returned with her bag in tow. “There was just too much  testosterone in that compartment" Hermione sighed as she plopped down next to Talia. Once they approached Hogwarts, they were all escorted across a large moat that surrounded most of the castle by a giant of a man in small wooden boats that needed no rower. As they passed through a curtain of willow tree branches, they could see the glow of lanterns leading them to a small oak door that the giant man that had lead them there had to duck into in order for him to enter. 

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