Chapter 26: Wartime Alliance

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“Severus, I feel there needs to be a morale boost for everyone before we move forward with our plans. I worry that some do not trust me.” Lord Voldemort sighed as he paced the room seemingly agitated. “What can I do to help, my lord? We had young Miss Black kill Wormtail as part of her initiation and to prove her loyalty to you. Aside from you killing someone else, there isn't a lot I can think of that would have others trust you” Severus drawled, keeping his tone even and hiding his boredom well. “If I didn't know better, Severus, I would have said that there's something between you and young Miss Black. You seem to light up any time she walks in a room” Lord Voldemort sighed as he settled into a chair. “She's just a student at Hogwarts, there isn't much to say she's just really proficient in Potions” Severus cleared his throat and took a tentative seat at Voldemort's right. “She’s more than just a Student to you, Severus. I see more than I let on and I see the way that you look at her, as if she were Morgana personified. She has you bewitched” Voldemort drawled, studying Severus’ reaction “I wouldn't say bewitched per say-.” Severus stammered, “She’s certainly bright, but I-.” “A Snape and a Black. Yes now that I mention it, I don't see why I didn't see it before. That would truly be a powerful pairing” Voldemort smirked, his eyes calculating and devious. “I-. What?” Severus questioned his thoughts barely able to catch up with what was being said. “Bellatrix, bring your cousin to me. We're holding a wedding.” Voldemort announced with a clap of his hands as if it were already a done deal.

“He wants us to do what?! I hope you said no, Severus” Talia huffed when she entered the dining room. “I didn't have a chance! It happened so fast, I couldn't say a word. I was like he was in my head even though I didn't let him in and the next he was already calling Bella in to start planning” Severus defended trying not to raise his voice. “Are you kidding me?! Jesus Severus! You're supposed to be one of the best Occlumences out there!” Talia snapped as she started pacing the room. “This isn't me! You think this me? Jesus Lia, this is him, this is all him. To him this is a power play! He said it himself, a Snape and a Black, a powerful pairing” Severus yelled back, his face turning purple in anger and rage. “Shit. Shit. Shit!” Talia screamed as she slammed her hand on the dining table before sitting in a chair. The silence engulfed the room thickly as if it were molasses, the only noise was the grandfather clock in the corner of the room and the odd sigh from either party. “We can't go against him, Lia. If we do it could blow your cover as a double agent and mine for that matter” Severus sighed as he sat opposite her. “Looks like we're getting married then doesn't it?” Talia grumbled as she ran her hand down her face.

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