Chapter 20: Malfoy Manor

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It has been a few months since Talia joined the ranks of the Death Eaters and to say that I am still vehemently against it is an understatement. I'm afraid that this is going to get far too dangerous for her and I won't be able to convince her to leave before she gets hurt. "Severus, I wanted to thank you for bringing me such a pretty thing into our ranks" Lord Voldemort hissed, raising his glass in Talia's direction. "Believe me my Lord, it was not my decision." I hummed as I took a sip out of my own glass. "Really? Now that does surprise me" Lucius Malfoy piped up. "And what would you know about this, Lucius?" Lord Voldemort questioned as he turned to face Lucius. "My son, Draco has had a few classes with Miss Black, my Lord" Lucius answered, bowing his head in submission as he usually did when Lord Voldemort addressed him. "I see. Your father, is Sirius Black better known as the blood traitor and the man who killed James and Lily Potter?" Lord Voldemort questioned, this time turning his attention to Talia. "I will not deny to you, my lord, that my father is Sirius Black but I do not hold the same views as him" Talia replied, her expression unchanging and for some reason that scared me more than anything. "Severus here tells me that you have an unbridled skill for both Potions and the Dark Arts, even going as far as getting Excellent marks in both subjects for your O.W.Ls, is that correct?" Lord Voldemort pushed his attention still on Talia although it flickered to me as if daring me to contradict him. "Professor Snape flatters me, my lord, it is true that I did receive Excellent marks in both Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts although those are not the only subjects that I excelled in" Talia spoke modestly whilst squeezing my hand under the table to reassure me that she had it handled. "I assure you, Miss Black, that anything that you can bring to the table will be used fully and we will also help you to learn more than Albus Dumbledor would deem appropriate" Lord Voldemort smirked, to which I thought Talia would shudder from but she just held on to my hand tighter. "I assure you, my lord, that I will bring my best to the table" Talia smiled back softly, one of the many things that made me fall in love with her in the first place. "Very good, very good" Lord Voldemort nodded before turning his attention to me. I thought he was going to say something, maybe he had noticed Talia and I's conjoined hands but thankfully we were interrupted by Wormtail swinging the door open. "My lord, I apologise for the interruption but Fenrir Greyback has just been caught terrorizing Muggles in the villiage nearby and has been caught by Auror's from the Ministry" Wormtail panted as he scurried to The Dark Lord's side. "I had thought I called all Death Eaters to my side today for the introduction of our newest member?" Lord Voldemort scowled as he rose from his chair. "Unfortunately, my lord, it seems Greyback took it upon himself to find something better to do with his time than to induct the daughter of a blood traitor into our ranks" Wormtail wheezed as he relayed the information, eyeing Talia as he spoke. WIthout realising I had drawn my wand and had it pointed directly at Wormtail. "Severus, lower your wand. It seems that Wormtail obviously doubts my power so he has outwardly challenged me to a duel" Talia spoke, her voice strong and her demeanour harder than I had ever seen. "I-. I wouldn't dare!" Wormtail stuttered as he fell away from The Dark Lord's hand as if it had burnt him. "It seems that Greyback has succumbed to his tenacious ability to disobey my orders, therefore, he is now the Ministry's problem. As for Wormtail and Miss Black duelling I suppose it is one way to understand Miss Black's power" Lord Voldemort pondered aloud before nodding definitively. "Very well Miss Black, if it is a duel you want then it is a duel you shall have. Lucius, I assumed a Manor of this finery has a safe place to hold a duel?" "Of course, my lord, the grounds have plenty of space for a duel" Lucius nodded before rising from his seat and making his way towards the door. Slowly one by one the rest of the Death Eater's followed Lucius out into the grounds of Malfoy Manor, Wormtail tried to plead with The Dark Lord about the injustice of his latest punishment, however his attempts were ignored. For a while it seemed like Talia and Wormtail were evenly matched, except Wormtail was sweating and it seemed as though Talia was getting bored. "Miss Black, while I appreciate your tenacity, perhaps you could do me a small favour and end this match before the rest of us age" Lord Voldemort barked whilst everyone else laughed. With one smooth, wordless flick of her wand, Wormtail was hanging upside down almost as if something had ahold of him by his ankles. "Do you wish me to kill him, my lord?" Talia challenged as she eyed him from around Wormtail's broken body. "There isn't a House Elf in the world who wouldn't die to be in his previous position, do with him what you will" Lord Voldemort grumbled as he dismissed her with the wave of his hand. "As you wish, my lord" Talia grinned as she gave one last flick of her wand sending a flash of purple light towards Wormtail. It was in that moment I wasn't sure if I admired or feared Talia Black more. 

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