Chapter 28: Surprise!

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Once the battle was over, every remaining student, teacher and order member congregated within the Great Hall. “Uncle Moony!” Talia called as she saw her God-father standing off to the side. “Ladybug! Gosh I was so worried about you” he called out as they both ran towards each other. “Severus took great care of me, just like he promised. So did Narcissa, without her I don't think I would have survived” Talia smiled and she hugged her uncle tightly. “I'm sorry, since when did you start referring to him as Severus?” Remus questioned as he returned the hug. “Well, I couldn't very well keep calling him ‘Professor Snape’ whilst we were at Death Eater meetings it would have been too stiff and professional. Besides, with me spending time with him at Spinners End between meetings sometimes when I was too tired to make the trip back here and the fact that he's my husband would just be plain ridiculous” Talia laughed as she ruffled her Uncle's hair. “Yes well I suppose it would be-. Wait a minute, you two got married?!” Remus yelled incredulously. Luckily, Talia managed to slap her hand over his mouth before he got too loud. “Shh, that's not common knowledge outside of the Death Eaters, Uncle Moony. I know it's not conventional and I know that I'm in for one major lecture but save it. I made my decision and I'm quite happy about it. Besides, I turn 18 in a few months. Mum and Dad already had me by my age” Talia shrugged, keeping her hand over her uncles mouth until she was sure he wouldn't go shouting the news for everyone to hear. Once Talia had made her way around to everyone still within Hogwarts and made a few repairs here and there, she snuck up to the top of the Astronomy Tower to take in the scene in its entirety. The wizarding world was safe from the likes of Tom Riddle because he was dead, a corrupt Minister for Magic was no longer in charge at the Ministry and the likes of Delores Umbridge was no longer tolerated. “The Auror’s have arrived take away the remaining Death Eaters. I have given them my account of everything as I understand it and they want to speak to you when you have a spare minute” A voice called from the shadows. “I'll make a trip to the Ministry first thing in the morning to give them my statement. I assume for the time being they've taken Draco and his parents in for questioning?” Talia quizzed as she turned to face the voice she had come to adore so much. “They have. I doubt Narcissa or Draco's punishments will be too severe but I fear that Lucius may end up serving a few years in Azkaban got his role and the amount of blood on his hands.” Severus sighed wearily as he leaned against the railing. “Well, husband, what's the plan for us from here? Technically we only got married because we didn't want to give away the fact that Lord Voldemort had two spies within his ranks” Talia smiled softly as she laid her head on his shoulder. “Don't remind me” Severus groaned as he ran a hand down his face. “No but seriously, Sev, we have to talk about this now that he's dead. Again.” Talia sighed as she used her wand to summon her broom. “I don't have a problem being married to you, Lia. I'm just worried about your father, he's going to kill me” “Well then, let's get married for real and not just because we had to hide.” “Yeah, right. Sure that sounds like a perfect plan” Severus snorted in sheer unadulterated sarcasm. “Besides, we might as well do it now while I can still fit into a wedding dress” Talia shrugged nonchalantly as she climbed over the railing and tried reaching for her broom that hovered just out of reach. A beat of silence passed with only the grunts and groans of Talia trying to reach her broom echoed throughout the otherwise empty room. “Well yes I suppose it would be a good idea to get married while you-. Wait a minute, what do you mean you won't be able to fit into a wedding dress?” Severus started as he watched as Talia’s fingers brushed the handle of her broom and she fell forward over the railing. Talia's broom quickly whipped after her and once she was mounted it raised her back to being level with Severus again. “It means, dummy, that I'm pregnant and that you're gonna be a dad!” Talia cackled as she watched his expressions change before whipping around on her broom, Fred and George's firework spell spilling out of her wand behind her. “Come back here! We have to talk about this!” Severus shouted as he tried to reach for her. In the end, Severus ended up calling for his own broom and chased after her. “Took you long enough” Talia teased a wide grin on her face. “You can't just drop a bomb like that and then fly off Lia.” Severus panted once he reached her side. “Look, you should know something, I'm keeping this baby whether you decide to be a part of our lives or not, Severus. So you take some time to decide what you want to do” Talia shrugged as she hovered just above the still damaged bridge. “I'll be by your side no matter what you chose to do” Severus smiled softly as he reached across the gap between them and forced her to look at him. For a moment the world around them faded as they sealed their agreement with a kiss. It wasn't until Fred set off another bout of fireworks did they realise that they had an audience which caused Talia to burst into laughter.
The end ?

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