Chapter 16: The Masquerade Ball Part 1

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Rachel and Talia were getting ready for Cassandra's Annual Soiree at Grimmauld Place with Hermione and Ginny plus a few other girls while Fred, George, Ron, Harry and a few other boys were getting ready over at The Burrow. "I don't understand why we couldn't all get dressed together, it's not like we're getting married" Ginny had huffed when she had suggested the separate sleep overs. "That way the boys won't be able to see what dresses or masks we have chosen" Talia reiterated as she won yet another game of Exploding Snap. "Plus none of them will be able to 'accidentally' walk in on us while we're changing." Hermione chuckled, putting air quotes around accidently. "Besides, mum's even banning Dad, Uncle Remus and Tommy to Mrs Weasley's" Isabelle piped up as she set up another game. "Deal me out of this hand, Is. I need a break I've won too many times" Talia huffed as she stood from the table and made her way out of the Library. "Everything alright, Lia?" Rachel asked as she fell into step beside Talia. "Why wouldn't they be, Red?" Talia replied as she turned to her best friend, her eyebrow raised. "It's just that you got really tense when Isabelle mentioned your little brother" Rachel shrugged as she walked past Talia who had stopped walking a few steps ago. "Walking out like that must make it seem like I don't love Tommy but I do, I just, have a lot of things on my mind right now therefore I don't have time listening to Ginny whine about why we can't all get ready for the ball together" Talia sighed as she leaned against a nearby suit of armor. "You would think with the number of brothers Ginny has she would be glad of a break" Rachel laughed as she leaned against the wall. "I kissed George" Talia admitted after a beat of silence as she played with the hem of her robes. "Woah! Lia, where did that come from? I had no idea you even like George like that?!" Rachel questioned in a manner befitting a spit take if she were drinking pumpkin juice. "Will you keep it down, Red?! George and I haven't talked about it since which is why I haven't fully committed to a dress yet" Talia hissed as she pulled Rachel into a nearby empty classroom. "What are planning, Lia?" Rachel enquired, her eyebrow raised and a skeptical look on her face. "Nobody but me knows this. I heard this year's Ball is going to be held in the Great Hall this year meaning that all of the Professors will be in attendance" Talia whispered as she sat on the top of one of the unused desks. "So?" Rachel questioned, still confused as to why Talia was acting so strange. "So, if George and I do end up dancing together that means my uncle will be watching us closely" Talia sighed exasperated as she walked towards the back of the classroom. "Well that isn't that much of a problem! I'm sure your uncle will be far too busy with Tonks so you won't need to worry about that, your parents will be preoccupied with each other and as for Isabelle I'm certain she'll be on Tommy duty most of the night anyway." Rachel reassured her as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "I guess you're right" Talia smiled softly as she turned to her best friend. "If you need, Fred and I will provide ample cover so you and George can get some time to yourselves" Rachel smirked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "One thing at a time, Red!" Talia roared as she almost doubled over. 

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