Chapter 11: Detention

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So as not to make it obvious, Professors’ McGonagall, Snape and Dumbledore made it their mission to speak with Talia about her use of the Pepper Up potion to help her pay more attention in class after endless late nights studying. First to attempt to speak with Talia was Professor Dumbledore however that was ill received and Talia waved him off as if it was nothing. Second to attempt to speak with Talia was Professor McGonagall, once again Talia waved her off, dismissing her just as quickly as she dismissed the man she called Grandpa. After seeing both senior professors fail to speak with the troubled teen, Professor Snape decided to approach the situation differently. Holding Talia back for Detention was just the start. “So, Professor. Are you going to tell me why I’m in detention or do I have to figure it out for myself just like I do every lesson?” Talia huffed as she perched on the desk right at the front. “Firstly, Miss Black, you got detention for the mispronunciation of Amortentia. Secondly, you are in detention because you’ve been stealing ingredients from my personal store to fuel your addiction to the Pepper Up potion.” Professor Snape almost snarled as he crossed his arms as he sat in front of Talia leaning up against his own desk. “How did you know?!” Talia exclaimed incredulously as she turned away from him, crossing her own arms in defiance. "You don't think I keep a good inventory on what I have and don't have in my personal store, Miss Black?" Professor Snape questioned as he raised an eyebrow, the threat of a smirk gracing his lips at her idiocy. "Professor, you have to understand, with all the things that have been going on in the last few years between Harry nearly getting killed every year, Professor Lockhart's vanity impeding his ability to teach and Mr Filch wanting to string every student up by their ankles every day then trying to keep up with school work in preparation for the O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts, it's exhausting! That's without Quidditch Practice!" Talia exclaimed, an exasperated sigh leaving her lips as she slumped forward her head almost landing in Professor Snape's lap. "Miss Black, you do realise there are people here whom are willing to help you right? I'm sure Miss Granger would be more than happy to help you study, and I'm sure the Weasley boys would help you out with Quidditch Practice, have you even thought about asking Mr Wood for help? He is your Captain after all." Professor Snape asked as he gently placed a reassuring hand on Talia's shoulder. "I guess you're right, Professor. I should ask for help more often, I guess I've just never had the courage to ask for help." Talia smiled softly as she placed her hand on top of his so he couldn't move it right away. "And you know you can always ask any of your Professors for help, we like to know that our students are doing well" Professor Snape coughed after a heartbeat of silence removing his hand from her shoulder as if it were hot. Talia started to walk towards the door and head back to the Astronomy Tower but paused in her step as though a light bulb turned on. "Well there is one thing you could help me with, Professor." Talia hummed as she turned to face him again. "And what would that be, Miss Black?" Professor Snape asked as he watched her. "My Mother is hosting a Masquerade Ball for a friends birthday and I could do with someone to teach me how to dance" Talia questioned, her eyebrow raised and a small smirk playing on her lips. "I would be delighted" Professor Snape volunteered before his brain had the chance to process the request. "Wonderful! I'll see you in the Room of Requirement, every evening after dinner up until the event" Talia smiled before turning around and virtually skipping out the door. Once Talia was out of sight, Professor Snape went about chastising himself for agreeing so quickly, he could not deny that the young woman that stood before him mere moments ago intrigued him but she was his student and he had to remember that. He was doing this as a favour. "Why didn't I suggest that she asked her Grandmother for help?" He sighed to himself as he made his way to his dorm. "Because, Professor, I need a man to lead me across that dance floor not my grandmother chanting steps from the side lines" he heard her say in his head. "What about your Grandfather?" He responded "Ah yes my dear grandfather, I'm afraid even if he tried he just doesn't have the mobility any more" she smiled as she continued to swing her legs off the desk. Shaking his head, Severus unlocked the door to his dorm, swung his cloak onto the awaiting armchair, poured himself a cup of earl grey, started the fire and settled into the armchair without his cloak and began to read. 

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