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July 27th 1980 - St Mungo's Hospital

After what seemed like an eternity, Cassandra Evelyn Stark had given birth to a beautiful baby girl, Talia Savannah Black. As Cassandra held her daughter, a figure caught the corner of her eye. "Come in, Remus. It's only fitting that you come and meet your goddaughter" Cassandra spoke softly, as she tried not to laugh at his puppy-dog-esque expression. "My goddaughter?" Remus questioned his eyes bright and wet with unshed tears. "Yes, Remus. If she's anything like me and her father she will probably end up at Hogwarts and there's no one else in this world that I'd rather trust right now than you to watch over my little girl." Cassandra smiled as she placed her hand on top of his as he sat next to her. "You sound so sure" Remus chuckled although it came out almost as a hiccup. "Would you like to hold her?" Cassandra chuckled too, as she lifted her daughter for Remus to hold. Although at this point in their lives, things were uncertain with Sirius looking at spending his life in Azkaban for the murder of Lily and James Potter, they could both be certain of something, this world isn't ready for the Half Blood Princess. 

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