Chapter 5: And so it begins...

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The following morning, Talia rushed to get dressed before accompanying Harry, Ron and Hermione down to breakfast. "I will never ever get used to the amount of food that awaits us every morning" Talia chuckled as she took her seat next to Ron's older brothers Fred and George. "Ooo, look out Talia, someone's got his beady eye on you" George teased as he nudged Talia. "I have no idea what you're talking about Georgie" Talia sighed as she rolled her eyes pretending not to notice Professor Snape staring. "Give off Talia! I saw how you looked at him when you went to be sorted" Fred chuckled as he joined the conversation. "When my mum used to tell me stories of when she was here and when she pulled out the year book I never imagined-." Talia broke off as she caught Professor Snape's eye as he walked down the Slytherin table. "Earth to Talia" Hermione chuckled as Talia's eyes continued to follow Professor Snape. "Hmmm?" Talia hummed as she shook her head and looked at Hermione so as to get Professor Snape out of her mind. "We have class soon, you wouldn't want to be late on your first day" Hermioned laughed as she stood and offered Talia her hand. "Now that would be a wasted journey" Talia smirked as she took Hermione's hand to help her stand up before they both made their way to the first class of the day, leaving the boys in the great hall. "I'm actually glad I got you alone, Talia. There's something I've been meaning to ask you" Hermione paused as she stopped walking causing Talia to stop too. "Mione, you know you can ask me anything right?" Talia spoke sincerely as she turned back to face Hermione. "Why when Professor McGonagall called your name did she call out Talia Stark but your trunk has the initials T.S.B?" Hermione questioned, the curiosity getting the better of her. "If I tell you this, swear to me that you won't tell anyone else?" Talia sighed as she rubbed her forehead. "I swear! It'll be our little secret!" Hermione swore mimicking the girl guides salute. "My mum's name is Stark but my father is Sirius Black. I am Talia Savannah Black" Talia explained as she stepped towards Hermione. "I see. So why not just be Talia Black?" Hermione probed further. "I guess my mum didn't want me to get any shtick for being a Black" Talia shrugged as she plopped down on a bench. "I might be muggle-born but even I know that the Black family are a little weird" Hermione sighed as she sat next to Talia. "Look I'll tell the others when I'm ready but for now let's just get to class" Talia chuckled as she playfully nudged Hermione. "Hmm I suppose your right. Thank you for telling me" Hermione smiled as she jumped up pulling Talia with her before they made their way to the first class of the day. 

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