Chapter 12: Black, Scamander & Weasley

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The following morning, Talia rounded up the Weasley Twins and headed down to the Hufflepuff dormitory to collect Rachel before they all headed out into the Courtyard. “What’s going on, Lia?” Rachel questioned as they all took a seat. “I need your guys’ help. I’ve been stealing ingredients out of Professor Snape’s store in order to make an abundance of the Pepper Up potion so that I don’t fall asleep during class and so I can keep on top of all the homework.” Talia rambled as she explained what was going on. “Huh, so that’s why Snape held you back in Potions” Fred hummed as he crossed his legs. “Freddy, I love you but please focus” Talia sighed exasperated. “Okay but what does that have to do with Snape looking almost gleeful this morning at breakfast?” George questioned his brow furrowing in concentration. “I may or may not have asked him to teach me to dance in order to help me prepare for my mum's Masquerade Ball” Talia mumbled as she promptly plopped herself onto the floor. “OH. MY. GOD. TALIA!” Rachel squealed before covering her mouth aware of how loud she was being. It was only then when Talia noticed the close proximity of Rachel and Fred, their hands were almost touching. “Wait. Have I been drinking so much Pepper Up potion that I failed to notice my two best friends getting together?!” Talia questioned her voice breaking towards the end. “Lia, keep your voice down!” Rachel hushed her as she blushed a little pulling her best friend to sit back down. “Rachel you literally just screamed about her getting Snape to dance with her” George reminded her as he scratched his ear as if it made a difference. “George is right, can we just stop with the screaming already” Fred sighed as he put his head in his hands. “Seriously Red? You’re gonna keep me in the dark about this?” Talia questioned as she raised an eyebrow and glared at Rachel. “Jeepers Lia! Fred and I have been spending a lot more time together since you’ve been all zombified with the Pepper Up potion, yes but are we together? Also yes.” Rachel sighed as she too placed her head in her hands. “YES!” Talia squeaked as she threw her hands up in the air in excitement. “You’re not mad?” Fred questioned as he raised his head slightly. “Mad?! Mad?! Why the hell would I be mad?! Freddie I am happy for you! I really am! Rachel is the best person I know!" Talia laughed as she pulled them both into a hug. Out of the corner of her eye Talia noticed George stand to walk away but before he could get too far she pulled him in to join the hug. "Lia, we can't breath!" Rachel whispered after a few minutes of relishing in the fact that Talia wasn't mad. "Oh! Yeah sorry guys. I gotta go meet up with Professor Lupin down by the Whomping Willow anyway. I'll catch you all later" Talia smiled as she released the trio before skipping off down towards the ancient tree. 

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