Chapter 7: Returning to Normal

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January 6th 1992

On the first dinner with everyone back, the Grand Hall sounded very much like a Quidditch Match with how loud the students were talking about what they had gotten and done over the Winter Break. "So what did you three do over break?" Hermione enquired as she observed them from the other side of the table. "Oh not much really," Fred started as a smirk played upon his lips. "We just planned some pra-." George went to finish when suddenly he was interrupted by Talia's hand slapping across his mouth. "We just played wizard chess and baked" Talia grumbled as she glared daggers at George. Deciding to ignore Talia and the twins' strange behaviour, Hermione rolled her eyes and turned to Colin Creevy to ask about his break. "What's your deal?" Fred questioned as he eyed Talia. "Do you want to ruin the surprise?" Talia hissed in a whisper as she slowly moved her hand away from across George's mouth. Later that evening while Fred & George were preparing the welcome back surprise, Talia headed down to the Slytherin dorm to plant a small welcome surprise of her own. Sneaking into Slytherin was the easy part for Talia but sneaking out was a whole different game of Quidditch. "Miss Black, shouldn't you be in your own dorm?" Professor Snape sneered as he caught her sneaking along the corridor. "Professor! I was just heading back, Draco had borrowed one of my Quills and I was just getting it back" Talia squeaked as she tried to dodge his piercing stare. "If I catch you in these corridors I will take points from Gryffindor" Professor Snape warned, his eyes watching her every movement. Talia shuddered before she dove back along the corridor and back up to the Gryffindor Common Room where she was called over by George to get started on passing around the sweet treats they had made. When everyone had something in their hand, Talia released a half dozen mini fireworks and each one burst into individual mini dragons. When everyone had retired to their respective rooms, Talia stayed up and sat in the armchair reading. The next morning when Harry came down to head for Quidditch Practice he noticed Talia sitting with just a blanket over her lap and the book long forgotten. He was about to pull the blanket over her properly when he heard Fred and George's footsteps as well as their giggles behind him. Quickly whipping around, Harry put his hands over both of their mouths and wordlessly motioned to Talia's sleeping figure. "Should we cover her back up?" Fred whispered behind Harry's hand. "Well I didn't want to wake her" Harry spoke softly as he slipped his hands from the twins mouths. "Yeah she's burnt the midnight oil every night since term ended" George agreed as he watched the slow rise and fall of Talia's chest as she breathed calmly and smoothly. "I guess I could carry her up to the girls room and speak to Hermione to make sure no-one wakes her" Harry volunteered as he inched towards her as quietly as he could. "No!" Fred whisper shouted as he stopped Harry in his tracks. Harry gave Fred a confused look but it soon disappeared as his head turned towards George. "I'll take her. You two are needed on the pitch more than I am." George whispered as he stepped soundlessly towards Talia before gently scooping her up bridal style. "Are you sure you can manage?" Harry questioned as he and Fred headed towards the door. Nodding, careful not to drop Talia, George headed back towards the staircase leading to the dormitories where he gently knocked on the girl's door. "Hermione, it's me George. Can you let me in?" he spoke a little too loudly causing Talia to stir. Just as the door opened George had managed to get Talia back off to sleep. "Where was she?" Hermione asked as she held the door so that he could place Talia on her bed. "Harry found her passed out downstairs in one of the armchairs of the common room" George explained as he pulled Talia's quilt under her chin. "I'll let our Professors know that Talia won't be in class today and I'll ensure to get some extra notes down for her" Hermione nodded as she watched the way George was with Talia. "She's been hitting the Potions books quite hard since the end of term. There were even occasions when Fred and I caught her with some muggle books. Something about a lion who made two boys and two girls kings and queens of a land called Narnia?" George quizzed, a pained and confused look donning his usually childlike features. "C.S Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia" Hermione hummed as she pulled George away from Talia. "Muggles have some weird literature" George chuckled freely once they were out of ear shot from Talia. "I'll keep an eye on her George, you best head off to Quidditch Practice no doubt Wood will have you training double for this" Hermione smiled softly as lead George back down the staircase and into the common room. "Alright. And can you also keep me updated on how she is?" George asked, a worried look replacing the smile. "I'll look in on her every free minute I get George. Now go I've got it covered from here" Hermione laughed as she virtually pushed George out of the common room so that he could at least get some training in.    

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