Chapter 15: The Confession

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That night as everyone else slept, Talia shot awake, her breathing heavy and her eyes wide. "Well that was unexpected" she whispered to herself as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. Slipping out of bed, grabbing her chemise and wand, Talia slipped past the snoring image of the Fat Lady, down the Astronomy Tower staircase and out into the courtyard. "Talia?" a voice called from the shadows. "George? What are you doing up?" Talia questioned as she squinted to make out the figure heading towards her. "I could ask you the same thing" George chuckled with his arms crossed. "I had a bit of a weird dream so I thought I'd come somewhere quiet and try to figure it out" Talia sighed as she ran her hand through her hair. "Do you want to talk about it?" George questioned as he took a seat next to her. "I think I should work that one out on my own" Talia chuckled softly as she placed her head in her hands. "You know I'm not going to judge you, right Lia?" George spoke softly as he gently nudged her. "I got it covered. Thanks though George" Talia smiled as she nudged him back. For a while the just sat playfully nudging each other until it burst into a full on tickle fight where the courtyard filled with endless laughter. "George! Stop! I can't breath!" Talia laughed, rolling on the concrete floor. "Make me" George smirked as he continued tickling her. With an eyebrow raised and a smirk playing on her lips Talia reached up and kissed him which caused him to stop tickling her then while George was stunned Talia rolled out from under him and stood up. "What's the matter Georgie? Cat got your tongue?" Talia teased as she sat back down on the wall of the fountain in the middle of the courtyard. "Did you just kiss me?" George quizzed, his eyes wide and his hand reaching to touch his lips. "Yup" Talia smirked, popping the P as she swung her legs. For a moment it was still, all that could be heard was the pairs breathing until George started getting cramp in his wrists so he rolled over and looked up at the night sky. "Why did you kiss me?" He whispered softly, not daring to take his eyes off the stars. "Because I like you George. I've liked you for a while now and I just didn't know how to tell you" Talia shrugged as she hopped off the fountain wall to lay beside him. "So it wasn't just to stop me from tickling you?" "No, George, although that was a good excuse." Talia shrugged as she turned to face him. "I like you too, Lia. I just didn't know if you felt the same way..." George trailed off as he reached for her hand. "You should have said! Fred's known since forever!" Talia laughed as she played with his fingers. The pair stayed like that until the sun rose, just talking and finding comfort in one another.

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