Chapter 21 - Back at the Castle

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With her introduction to Lord Voldemort and the rest of the Death Eaters a success, Talia had a different air about her that even had all the pets hiding away when she entered the common room. Of course the only people who knew of her plan were Harry, Ron and Hermione so it was no surprise to them that she kept up the air of indifference until everyone else had gone to bed. "So, how did it go?" Harry asked, an air of excitement in his voice. "I've successfully infiltrated their ranks and Lord Voldemort doesn't suspect a thing since Professor Snape is the one who essentially introduced me to him" Talia smirked as she leaned back in one of the arm chairs by the fire. "Wow, how did you get him to agree to that?!" Ron questioned, his eyebrows raised in surprise as he set down his mug of hot chocolate. "Now, that, dear Ronald, is something I will take with me to the grave" Talia laughed as she took a sip of hot chocolate. As the laughter died down, Talia filled everyone in on what she had learnt at the Death Eater meeting until they were interrupted by a rapping on the Common Room window. "Eddie! Are you okay?" Talia asked her owl as she opened the window. "Hoo" Eddie cooed in response, indicating to the note on his ankle. Tentatively, Talia took the note from Edgar before tossing him one of the dead mice that Crookshanks helped to keep out of the girls rooms before walking back to the armchair by the fireplace as she unfurled the note.

"Who's it from, Lia?" Ron chirped as he watched his friend's face fall. "Ron, Harry, I think it's time you two went to bed" Hermione ordered, not taking her eyes off of Talia as she fell back into the armchair with an audible thud. "It's from Professor McGonagall, she wants to see me first thing in the morning" Talia breathed as she lifted her head up only to see Harry and Ron being ushered out of the common room by Hermione who stopped in her tracks and turned around. For a moment silence swept through the Gryffindor Common room and nobody dared to breathe. "In that case, you better get to bed too. If you have to face your Grandmother, you want to be bright eyed and bushy tailed" Hermione breathed after a beat as she shooed the boys upstairs. "Moine, can you sit with me for a while?" Talia questioned as she folded up the note and tucking it into her trouser pocket. The following morning, which was thankfully a Saturday, Talia made her way to the empty Transfiguration Classroom. "You wanted to see me, Professor?" Talia questioned as she poked her head around the door to the classroom after knocking. "Yes, I just wanted to make sure that you were keeping up with your education. Rumour has it, you're helping Mr Potter teach other students Defence Against the Dark Arts techniques" Professor McGonagall commented as she spun her chair around. "Yes, we're using the Room of Requirement and we have the coins from the Triwizard Tournament that we send the dates and times of the meetings on" Talia replied as she took a seat opposite her Grandmother. "Very well, it seems you are highly organised." Professor McGonagall nodded, impressed with her students' ingenuity. "Is that all you called me here for, Gra- Professor?" Talia asked, catching herself as she wasn't sure if this was a social call. "As you know, Talia, I am an animagus, I was hoping that at some point I could pass that ability on to you. Most animagi only have the ability to change into one creature, you are aware that mine is the grey tabby cat which is similar to my patronus" Professor McGonagall explained as she made her way to the front of her desk. "You were hoping that I would become an animagus? But aren't they illegal?" Talia whispered, uncertain if they should be discussing the matter quite so freely. "You showed great potential for it when you were a toddler, I don't see why you couldn't learn to become one now, nor do I see what harm it would do for you to teach it to others now that you are almost of age to perform magic outside of Hogwarts legally" Professor McGonagall smiled knowingly. "I would love nothing more than to become an animagus and pass on that knowledge" Talia smiled softly, the glint of excitement in her eyes. "Then we shall begin preparations this evening, there is a full moon in a few days and you can follow the steps then. Speak with Professor Sprout and she will provide you with all the Mandrake Leaves you need for this to be successful. I will write the rest of the steps down for you so that you can share it with your fellow students but this cannot come back to me, is that clear?" Professor McGonagall warned as she made her way around her desk for a piece of parchment and a quill.

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