1 ɤ Reflection - Rest - Repose (BWWM) 📋

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After every battle, a malignant force tormented him as it pressured the man to exact more vengeance on anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path. Man, woman, or child all were seen as the enemy through the inky black orbs oozing with death and destruction. No love could be found in the hate-filled state that caused the darkest portions of his soul to lash out at everyone in equal measure.

In the moments before he again shifted to the walking embodiment of satan himself, the use of an intense measure of carefully locked-in spells was the only expedient approach that was successful at holding the beast at bay. When those psychological chains were broken, the only thing that gave him peace was the sound of life fading away with the dying beats of each heart that was ripped from his victim's lifeless frame.

Once his mind had been inundated with onslaughts of those images of chaos and death, he was left to rend the seared fragments of pure insanity as far away from the beast as possible.

To indulge in the tiniest measure of peace, SILENCE was the most important component.

While in attendance at his residence, absolute silence quieted his mind long enough for the man to find relaxation in the midst of the latest psychotic storm. The time he spent alone allowed him to channel ancient techniques to bind the thing that lusted for an endless flow of blood. To prevent himself from annihilating all who lived in the city, it was required that he ground himself in a meditation process that was sufficient enough to quiet the storms raging on a molecular level deep within his blood, flesh, and bones.

As he sat in the dimly lit room with his eyes closed, the man leaned back to rest his head on the chair. His eyes remained firmly shut allowing the sounds of the waterfall to work as a powerful sedative against the fire that boiled in him.

He rarely slept and seldom ate due to incessantly rancorous cravings gnawing in the marrow of his being to hurl him in the direction of every viciously wicked act of destruction sought by baser creatures such as himself.

They say those who live by the sword also die by it. Not only had he lived his life by the sword, but he had also lived by the knife, the gun, and any other form of weaponry capable of aiding him whenever there was a need to orchestrate mass destruction. Therefore, he lived for war and always found himself at war with someone.

To give humanity a break from the chaos raging unchecked inside him was his sole purpose for meditating. Soothing his inner beast was imperative exclusively for the sake of others. Were he to leave such a destructive force unchecked, none would survive.

It was only due to time spent in his self-created sanctuary that the man identified an unintended by-product of the room he'd created expressly to balance his Chi.

It was there and there alone that the endless fire was sated.

The cherrywood, dark brown, tan, and bone white tones were utilized to ground him to the source of all that was good. That was the most important reason he had chosen Earth tones to take center stage throughout his home. Occasionally, forest green and new green hues were specially incorporated into the patterns he had designed to break up the darkness. These colors suited him well in his quest to create a refuge from the evils of the outside world.

Hiro utilized the meditation room much like everything else in his life. It served a dual purpose. Not only was it a place to re-shift his Chi, but it also served as the perfect setting to map out upcoming projects. The meditation room was therefore the one place where no one was allowed. It was his goal to keep the room free from other forces.

Because it was his most holistic place of retreat and renewal, Hiro planned to keep the room just as it was regardless of the other changes he'd settled on for the majority of the layout of the plantation house.

No one seemed to appreciate the hours he labored or the blood he'd shed to transform the structure from the decrepit ruins of a world long gone into a modern space of reflection, rest, and repose. It was only due to the affinity he shared with his intimate partner that the beast encouraged himself to compromise just a bit concerning his surroundings. By allowing her to make herself at home through a remodeling project, Hiro told himself that she too would provide him more of what he craved, and therefore the remodel was essential to his peace of mind.

He wasn't some sentimental foolish simpleton who would crumble, cry, and become unhinged over a building or the trappings he had placed inside of it.

Hiro was wealthy enough to burn money if he chose to do so. If it met his needs, he could simply burn the two-hundred-year-old house to the ground and piss on the ashes out of contempt or just for relief. Rather than burn the place down, he decided to throw his pet a bone and allow her to exhaust some of her annoying energy on the structure.

Honestly, he couldn't be bothered to concern himself with whether she was happy or not, yet, the thought of how she served him encouraged Hiro to tolerate her. In essence, he cared for himself, and allowing her a bit of what she desired would give him more of what he craved.

The reason she would get what she wanted had more to do with balance and how that balance factored into his life. As of late, his nerves were on end because she refused to stop crowing about how uncomfortable living in such a dull environment was to her peace of mind. Because he sought balance in all situations, he decided to give her the freedom to make the necessary changes to his home.

At that point, anything that would shut her up was welcomed wholeheartedly.

Hiro weighed the benefits of keeping her around against the changes they had discussed. He decided to go along with the remodel for now even though he didn't necessarily agree with her requests.

In his opinion, his home was uncommon in its splendor.

He recalled how he had labored to redesign the old plantation house for two years to craft a place to accommodate his naturalistic living requirements. With more than enough money to buy a remodeling crew to accomplish the original project for him, Hiro opted out of bringing a stranger into his home and decided to complete the initial remodel on his own.

All the latest appliances and necessary electronics were placed in the space accordingly. His meditation room had been outfitted with an ebony marble waterfall, and every square inch of hardwood had been replaced with cherrywood. Hiro's connection to his Japanese culture dictated an urge to incorporate natural elements into the ambiance of his home. Moreover, his interests in the Asian arts of meditation from China to Japan down to India created in him a more stabilized soul.

With a dominant quest ever-present in his mind, Hiro also yearned for control over the depths of his ātman, or what the Hindus consider to be one's most authentic inner self or soul.

Martial arts were skills he'd also acquired to gain control of the rage seared into his core. Discipline and meditation provided him with the necessary tools to master his unmatched levels of chaos, destruction, and turmoil. Since brutality held him in its unholy grip, Hiro's life required an unbreakable level of control to better wield the weapon he had created within himself.

In the focal point of the tranquility he'd located in his meditation space, he found the power to reign himself in and overcome his own weaknesses. However brief his moments of insanity were, though a mere pulse in time, they were pretty abysmal. His actions when he lost control were severe enough to pierce the hearts of the people who knew him and knew of him. Few ever survived long enough to tell the tale of the visage of him in turmoil. Others cried, prayed, and wished never to witness anything so detestable again.

For these reasons, Hiro insisted he would accept no changes to his reflection room. To keep himself from becoming the sadistic creature he struggled to contain at every turn, his dedication to this room was absolute.

Yes, it was this nexus of power that controlled his actions. If he were to succumb to the wills of others and change this one thing, many would suffer needlessly.

Therefore, he made it a point to insist that this place remain exactly as it was.


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