How would YOU (the reader) like to see REDESIGNMENT end?

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Wattpad Family,

I truly appreciate the love and support y'all have shown me. This is the best family a writer could ever have because y'all make it easy for us to come up with different story ideas. 

Whenever someone asks me to write a certain type of story, I ask myself if it's doable. I also ask myself if I can visualize the story. My ability to see these characters come to life determines if I can commit to the time it takes to dive into my characters' minds, create a life for each character, try to tear everything down, and then repair what was destroyed.

This is my process with every story I write. 

So many of you have wondered why it takes so long for me to complete these stories. The answer is simple. Each story is organically crafted. I really work to make sure my stories don't resemble each other or someone else's books. 

To make each story fresh and different from the last, I must take my time to develop the plot out. 

Because Wattpad is all about reader-writer connections and vice-versa, I see it as an honor to read your comments and see how I can make my stories more appealing to YOU. With suggestions from YOU, my amazing fans, I have often found different ways of wrapping up a difficult story.

There are 4 to 9 chapters to be written for REDESIGNMENT. The only way I will extend this story out further is if I can lock onto a storyline that is too good to stop.

After I complete the proposed chapters, this story will only receive updates when I am ready to prepare it to be sold on Audible and Kindle. 

I would love to hear from you. How would you like to see this story end? What have you seen in other stories that made no sense at all but could be done better over here with Honor-Hiro-Petra? 

If your idea is selected, I will feature you at the top of that chapter. Since I already know y'all are awesome sauce, everyone else needs to know as well should YOU come up with a suggestion that everyone will enjoy reading.

Y'all take care of yourselves and try to stay cool. It is summer after all. I don't know about you, but I'm in Texas and there is nothing but claim-baking heat over here. 🌞😎😅🤣

Thanks in advance for being the best readers in the world.

Your humble writer,

Andrea T aka Ilianna Binoche - Novia Kane

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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