7 ɤ The Interior Designer (BWWM) 📋

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"How long have you worked in this profession?" He probed further.

"July tenth will be nine years." 

She smiled unaware of anything more than the unparalleled brilliance of the room's design. The balance in it was hot and cold... dark and light. It was a perfect nexus in which creation held residence.

The Japanese characters of Zen revealed themselves somewhere deep in the recesses of her mind. Her workload along with all the other stressors in her life evaporated from her consciousness the longer she was in the room. No evil or malice revealed themselves to her here. The only element she felt was bliss as if she were light as a feather floating into a dimension of perfect tranquility.

"I have only experienced this kind of peace in places of meditation or worship. What is this room for you?" Honor's words lingered in the air even though she didn't turn around to acknowledge his presence. She was completely unaware of the man's close proximity, or the danger associated with him being so near her person.

Once again, he was disarmed by her words, and therefore Hiro intentionally neglected to answer her question. He wasn't sure if he should share anything about the room with her. Of course, her attention to it made him feel a sense of curiosity about the woman, but he wished to remain as detached from her as possible.

"Do you have a portfolio of your work?" He asked with a little more enthusiasm in his voice than was previously extended to her.

Honor turned slightly and handed over the attaché for his inspection. 

She never once broke the focus she had on the elements of the room as she continued her examination of the walls surrounding the waterfall. Admiring even the most minute details, her ears were especially drawn to the sound of the water as it rushed over the black surface.

The contact between water and marble, friction and lack thereof served as a rather potent intoxicant to her. Before Honor realized what she was doing, she closed her eyes to assess the full effect of the relationship between the wall and the water as it slid, splashed, and disappeared into the space carved below in the stone. 

Hiro witnessed her reaction and willed himself to move away from her before he did what he was engineered to do.

Eventually, he reacquainted himself with his spot on the lounger where previously he had been resting before his moments of meditation were interrupted.

Thankfully, his mind locked on the need that grew in him when he designed the room. The idea to converge the main room and a rather large walk-in closet to create one single wall that was seventeen feet long and eleven feet tall seemed to meet an allegorical requirement to infuse serenity into the room.

It was along this wall that the waterfall and the natural foliage border surrounding it were installed. The three walls on either side were all eleven feet long and eleven feet tall. He'd dropped the ceiling down exactly one foot to ensure the distance from ceiling to floor was exactly the same all around the room.

Hiro had been sure to measure eleven feet from the base center of each wall. Once he located the spot that was eleven feet from each wall to the center of the room, he positioned his furniture exactly in that space. It was after all the focal point of the room. His salvation was found in an ever-waged battle at this point and nowhere else.

The energy was found in the spot where he recharged his mental battery and prepared for every war. On that day, he'd sat in that place as he took the necessary time to scrutinize the intruder's work.

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