19 ɤ THE GIFT (BWWM) 📋

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Out with the old...

With that chapter of his life officially closed, he was free to pursue more interesting sport.

Hiro realized his original plan to make Petra jealous no longer fit the situation at hand. His little liar had managed to wedge herself into his life and he'd allowed it. With full knowledge of her upbringing and what appeared to be a significant list of disturbing events in her family's history, Petra's lineage never bothered Hiro.

As a person who thrived in a world besieged by corruption, death, games, lies, and more violence than the average person could stomach, Petra was moved by any of it. Other women were too afraid to interact with mafia members and their family members unless they came from backgrounds similar to those in their circle. Petra was a striking vixen that other men drooled over. She was the latest piece of art he had acquired that spoke to his status in a world ruled by him and others who were equally vicious.

Though his woman was a heartless bitch, she was as alluring as she was beautiful.

Petra should have been trained as a model since few women would have commanded the attention the platinum blonde wielded. High cheekbones and cat-like eyes only added to her features. The woman's skin was a flawless porcelain peach hue without a blemish or a wrinkle. She was tall with long legs that reached to the heavens and just enough curves to prevent her from looking like a man in a dress.

She met the industry standard of beauty with a handful of tits and ass to satisfy her lover's need for the female form, but no element of warmth resided in her.

The woman was hot as a box of dynamite in bed, but in any other areas where feminine softness and warmth were required and appreciated, Petra possessed none of those qualities. She was cold and worst of all, the little con artist was greedy.

Had she simply placed him under her spell for a time and performed her duties as his woman, Hiro may never have cared about her little plots and tricks to acquire wealth, because she would have been forced to sign a prenup before they were married and every bit of his wealth would have gone into trust of which she would forfeit as a result of taking his family to court.

Petra would have been provided with a million-dollar-a-month allowance had she stayed in her place and behaved accordingly.

The night she stayed over with a "friend," she had picked up some type of STI. It was the first thing he smelled when she walked through the door and that smell nearly made him wretch. Hiro wasn't someone who would get sick, but that didn't mean that certain scents weren't highly offensive to his overly enhanced olfactory receptors.

Even if she had chosen to deny her infidelities, his sense of smell would have ferreted out the truth because her aura was different. Petra was dirty. She probably had no idea that something had changed in her, but her new scent disgusted him.

No matter how little they once shared, Hiro was finally wide awake, and in his awakened state, he craved something more.

What intrigued him most was the fact that more showed no interest in any of his dishonest actions. Truth be known, the interior designer refused his money and his patronage. Her desire to remain free from the games and machinations of the elites was made quite evident as she dodged him and hid herself at every turn.

Hiro knew she had no desire to play games, but he refused to allow the game of cat and mouse to get away from him. She was a prize and he was determined to claim her as his own. Something about her beckoned to him and he was powerless to the siren's call spinning its web of promises around the inner crevices of his head.

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