12 ɤ Mr. Hirohito Nikhil Vasilev (BWWM) 📋

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His decision to focus on anything but her took him down the rabbit hole. Hiro meditated to live in peace with himself. When he closed his eyes, he often came face to face with the people whose lives were drastically impacted as soon as they made contact with him.

Growing up with a beast for a father slowly encouraged him to become what he believed would satisfy the man who hated everything about his only son.

As he lay in bed, he recalled the stories his mother and his father once shared when he was younger. The couple never made sense to him or anyone else for that matter, but they were together nonetheless.

Nikhil was far from appealing and he was always considered to be a savage by anyone who met him. Because his work required that he behave like an animal, he was never bothered by people's opinions. It was only when he met Misumi Amaterasu that a desire to be seen as someone else surfaced in him.

Misumi was every bit of five feet tall and ninety pounds soaking wet. She was a delicate flower working as an interpreter. When he first saw her, his initial response was to ignore her. He figured she was too far out of his league to bother pursuing.

It wasn't until they were involved in a head-on collision that his actions towards her instantly began to change.

Working at the Japanese embassy in Moscow required Misumi to be punctual for her job. Because she was a representative of Japan, Misumi was frantic when she awoke from a nap to find that she was about to be late for a meeting.

There were dire consequences associated with tardiness at a meeting between such highly important men.

Running as fast as her legs could possibly move, Misumi plowed right into Nikhil because she wasn't paying attention. Apologizing profusely she vanished as quickly as she had appeared.

Hiro realized had it not been for that collision between his mother and father, he and his sister might never have come into existence. It never skipped his thoughts that he also might not have been forced to end the mess his father created.

Nikhil never understood that refusing to show his child any form of love was certain to become his downfall.

When Hiro decided he no longer required his father's approval for anything, his mind inevitably drifted back to his father's cruelty. The man attempted to bully his son as he had tormented others his entire life. However, Hiro insisted it was time to put an end to that.

Unfortunately, he also recollected the last words that rang out of his father's deprived mouth.

"Look at you. Just like you mama. Such a weak little pussy. How I believe something like you come from my balls when you look like a girl?" The broken English was spewed from the ogre's slobbering lips accompanied by non-stop guttural threats in his native Russian tongue.

Rather than taking a trip back into his past, he conjured the image of her leaning over him.

Hiro was so lost in the vision and feel of her sweet lips that he hadn't considered it was already four o'clock in the morning and he had yet to hear a word from Petra.



Honor believed in doing in-depth research on any client who sought her company's services.

Whenever a new client was scheduled, part of the process included a general search internet on them. Because there were some unsavory characters out there, Honor and Gillian decided it would be best to know with whom they were dealing before they took on any project.

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