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"I'm only one person. If I could clone myself, I would be the first to jump in line. Then I'd be able to see as many people as your bossy little heart desires. But, as it is, I am a mere mortal. I can only be in one place at a time. So, I can't make it." Honor insisted as she rushed across town to finish one of a million tasks she had on her schedule that needed to be completed before the end of the day.

If for some strange reason, she expected her assistant to leave it at that, she must have lost her entire mind or maybe she forgot with whom she was dealing.

Gillian was an unbelievable office manager and for that, Honor was truly thankful. The woman knew everyone in town and she did an amazing job of helping Honor to get her business up and running from the very beginning. After all, the rebuilding and reconstruction needed in Post-Katrina New Orleans meant that people with her skills were in high demand. Thankfully, Gillian was her secret weapon for tapping into the local market.

There was only one problem with their arrangement.

Honor came to learn that the petite diva was actually a cruel and unrelenting taskmaster. Since Honor benefited greatly from her assistant's dogged sense of determination, she wasn't sure if she should be overjoyed or annoyed, so she chose to be both.

"You have no choice. Get yourself over there and visit with the owner right this minute, missy." Her assistant fussed at her much the same way she had on any other day, and Honor knew it was pointless to resist.

The woman was supposed to be her employee, however, she often found herself wondering who was really in charge. They had a truly dysfunctional work relationship. Gillian bossed Honor around as if she wasn't the owner of the company.

Their twisted interactions led Honor to recall Mrs. Nakagawa whenever Gillian was on one of her rows. The iron-willed highly regarded interior designing terrorist had been Honor's mentor during her time at Āto Taki No Heiwa Designers a firm that was well known for its ability to reinvigorate the life force in any space, turning it into a magnificent work of art.

Gillian's tendencies to work her to death often reminded Honor of her time spent in college and how she grew into her career as an interior designer.

Back then, she'd majored in business with a double major in Art. At the beginning of her second year, Honor learned of an internship through one of her classmates. That introduction served to cultivate her artistic interests during the time in which she was an intern, as well as an employee of Āto Taki No Heiwa Designers.

Honor slaved for five long years to prove herself worthy to wear the title of an interior designer.

Starting with her internship, the young woman proved that she had an eye for well-balanced aesthetics, but she still had much to learn. Even though she naturally possessed a need to balance colors in their truest most rudimentary forms, she came to appreciate that there was a heck of a lot more to becoming a great interior designer than just pairing colors and textiles. And to her credit, Mrs. Nakagawa made it a daily objective of reminding Honor of that truth.

The first year was designated as a time to learn how to become one with the aesthetics of ambiance and harmony. She was assigned many tasks that aided in her efforts to build a knowledge base for colors, fabrics, and furniture while learning to read the needs of clients. Once she proved she could meet the standards set by the Nakagawa Art Institution, she worked for the company for three more of the five years as a paid employee.

Even though so much time had passed since she was last driven to prove herself to anyone, Gillian had a way of making sure she realized that if they weren't first on any job, they would be last in the local market. And there was no such thing as being last in their line of work.

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