14 ɤ You Can Run (BWWM) 📋

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Honor reacted to his presence by turning to call for Gillian. Her lips opened as she prepared to shout out the words, but somehow, they stuck in her mouth. Just behind her teeth, her tongue was positioned to expel what was now stuck in her throat as Hiro towered over her unphased by her newfound bold assertiveness.

Without a hint of concern for Honor's actions or words, his elegantly long fingertips met her skin as he traced a trail down the right side of her face with his thumb while using his index finger to lift her chin ensuring she had a clear view of him.

Honor's rear end was half on the desk and half pressed against it with Hiro resting between her considerably thick thighs. It was then that she found herself analyzing her choice of clothing and how it most certainly granted unfettered him access with the potential for leading to her demise.

The black bodycon dress was selected for comfort because she had no intention of leaving her office or being seen by anyone other than her employees. It wasn't to say that she hadn't dressed as cute as always. But had she known for a second that she would be facing her worst nightmare in any way, Honor would never have made such a choice.

Hiro pulled Honor close to him forcing her into the most intimate position as he slid the dress up to rest just under her bottom. With her attention locked on him, he leaned down to whisper into her ear.

"My... my... my, aren't we cold today? So, you mean to tell me you go around kissing strangers leaving them in your dust as if they mean nothing to you. I must say my feelings are hurt... indeed." The deep primal chuckle gave her the slightest glimpse into his intentions.

As she had feared for a few weeks now, Hiro was standing in her office to seek retribution for the way she beat him at his own game during their last encounter.

There was no doubt in her mind that she knew better than to kiss him as was evident by the quiet storm brewing in his licorice black orbs. He closed in on his prey, holding her captive once again much like he had when he pleaded with her to lie to his mother.

Anybody with a lick of good sense could tell he was someone not to be played with. Sitting on the edge of the desk trying to figure out how to get out of her self-inflicted mess, Honor's breathing changed as she registered that his hand was easing her dress up further. She never in her life felt anything for a white boy. That's why she kept turning Evangel down, but Hiro was exceptional. The man's body was like a work of art.

Maybe, because it had been such a long time since she allowed anybody to get in those draws, Honor was stuck in her head and what was going on up there was too much for her to resist.

"I think it would only be fair to return the favor you so skillfully bestowed upon me." Mr. Vasilev's voice was as if a husky kind of liquid creamy sex dripped from every word. She tried, God knows she tried to assert herself, but it was already too late.

Honor was drawn to touch him.

Resting her hands on the dark chocolate-colored silk shirt, it felt like she was pressing against a brick wall, not a man's chest. His body was much firmer than she remembered but the definite indentions of his eight-pack created the most delicious pictures in her mind. Even though she knew she made a huge mistake by challenging someone like him, the thick fog of ruthlessness embodied in his every move fed some craving she didn't even know she possessed.

"You are an artist, but I will teach you things you have never experienced before. I want to dig into your essence and stir your well deeply until all the colors of the rainbow explode before your eyes. I want to spread you wide and dive into the depths of the fountain between your thighs to gobble down your life-giving elixir making you erupt on my tongue until I am filled and completely rejuvenated. I will make you scream my name as I suckle your juices so thoroughly as you plead with me to push you beyond the barrier you've walled yourself behind until you can no longer bear my manipulations. It is at that moment that I will break down your resistance to help you accept the beast inside you pleading to be tamed by the darkness inside me. This is when you will be swallowed whole in the midst of a tsunami of tantric bliss." Mr. Vasilev's deliciously yummy lips--not too thin, not too thick--never moved not even a centimeter. But Honor could clearly hear him speaking as he held her gaze.

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