8 ɤ The Tour (BWWM) 📋

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She recalled how she had cruised up to the front entrance guard station introducing herself and her purpose for stopping by.

The guard checked the computer to see if an appointment had been scheduled. He stared at Honor briefly with a visible question on his face then requested her driver's license. After he typed in some information, the man provided her with highly detailed instructions. The man pointed out she needed to follow the instructions to the letter and not dally in places she wasn't cleared to be in.

Never in her life had she felt such a sense of foreboding. It was as if something was pleading with her to go back, but she was determined to be the professional and dazzle her potential client. Once the attendant called the gateman, the heavy wrought-iron gates parted and opened to permit her entrance to a vast sprawling estate that was beyond her imagination. Then, he handed the license back and dismissed her.

Honor drove on the road to the right for ten minutes before she actually reached the expansive mansion. The sheer size of it caused a hitch in her throat leaving her breathless.

She accepted that this would be her greatest challenge to date. Satisfying the needs of this customer would most likely be shared with the crème de la crème of the city, maybe even the state. Her boutique's reputation would become a hot commodity in the world of l' architecture d'intérieurs/interior design.

Much of what circled in her mind bolstered Honor's confidence. It was her time to shine on this level and she was deadset on doing just that. She wasn't prepared to allow fear to steal this moment from her.

Armed with instructions from one gigantic man dressed in black tactical gear after another, she made her way down a hall that was at least thirty feet long. The room she was directed towards was tucked off in the corner of the house as if it were purposefully hidden from the world.

After knocking on the door and meeting the exasperated glare of the homeowner, her charismatic nature kicked in for fear that this was all one big mistake until a sound whispered out to her as the sight of the waterfall drew her into the room.

Honor would never enter a room without permission.

However, her body felt as if it was placed under a spell and she moved on autopilot seduced by the waterfall to the point of assuaging all fear and apprehension that would normally alert her to the presence of danger.

Blind and numb to all except for the sight before her, Honor was lured into the lair of the beast.



Though her host was somewhat more at ease as the tour began, Honor recalled the original sense of danger that rang from her head to her toes upon meeting him.

The tour around his home was quite astounding. Given the initially unpleasant reception he'd sprung on her, Honor was amazed at the way Mr. Vasilev lit up as he described the hours of painstaking attention he'd invested in remodeling the plantation. She wasn't quite sure why he was so eager to make changes to the place given he clearly loved what was already accomplished.

From her point of view, the decor suited him to a T. It wasn't simply attractive, it sang to the core of the onlooker. Artistic synergy pried open the mind as it tapped directly into the inner Chi of the soul. The entire place oozed serenity wrapped in a sweeping cascade of well-balanced harmonious vibes flowing through each of the fifty rooms in the estate.

Each loft-sized chamber spoke to the creative spirit that called her to become an interior designer in the first place. A vein of poetic eloquence running rampant in his home brilliantly captured the spiritual identity of the towering being who escorted her patiently and carefully through his not-so-humble abode.

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