10 ɤ Girl... We Got Problems! (BWWM) 📋

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"I never considered you to be a whore."

With that, he leaned down inches from her face.

"Please help me... please?" His voice was softer than she could have ever believed he was capable of being before she witnessed the stranger standing directly in front of her.

Honor stared into his eyes where she felt herself being drawn into their inky depths. He ran the backside of his long elegant fingers across her cheek and to her dismay, her eyes fluttered as her soft moan tickled his and her lips.

She was so embarrassed by the response that she made an unsuccessful attempt to free herself from him. Trapped between the wall and a man so sexy the heat rushing her skin and the moisture on her lace panties alerted Honor to the fact that she was in a pickle. Though the entire predicament was wrong, she was powerless. He shouldn't have such a strong effect on her emotions, and the fact that he did scared the hell out of her.

"We shouldn't lie to your mother." She whispered barely able to utter a sound.

"I wouldn't ask for your assistance if it wasn't necessary. I'll simply tell her we aren't well suited for one another so I decided to break up with you. They won't question me or you. So don't worry. I simply need you to follow my lead. I promise to make it worth your time here."

"Please stop saying that. I won't accept your money for work I haven't done. I don't need it." Honor insisted as she glared at him.

A charming smile graced his face making her simmer deep down in her core. She licked her lips and squeezed her thighs together telling herself to get a grip. Honor was one hundred percent sure he could read her mind because he instantly glanced down the length of her body right after the thought crossed her mind. She watched as his lips insisted she calm down and force her to relax and breathe.

Regardless of the look in his eyes, it made no sense that he would be interested in her. Honor didn't care one way or the other because she never dated her clients, but damn if he wasn't sexy and hot damn if he wasn't racking havoc on her flesh. The man hadn't even touched her in that way for crying out loud and she was already a bundle of raw nerves.

"Ok. I will help you, but I need you to back up off of me. Please." She said as she placed her hands between them.

"Sure." He chuckled.

"After this, no more. When I leave today, that's it. I won't lie for you again."

"Deal." He snickered as if it was all a game.

They left the study and headed back to the sitting room. As soon as they came to his mother, Hiro's hand landed on her backside. Just that action had her melting again and she desperately wanted to turn around and slap him for taking advantage of the situation.

The beginning of their act was tricky at best because Honor knew nothing about the man whose hand slid from her waist to rest on her hip and eventually ended its travels to land on her backside. She nearly came out of her skin as his heavy hand rested on her in a way she hadn't enjoyed since she broke up with a brief fling she met shortly after arriving in New Orleans. Even that jackass had to wait until she was in the city for a second year to be given a chance.

Her pleasure-deprived body wasn't desperate enough to crave the affections of a stranger. If he had been some everyday average dude, she would have already knocked his block off. How dare he continuously touch me in these intimate reflections of love we don't really share? Every fiber of her being screamed out to smack him for such intrusive behavior.

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