6 ɤ Insubordination (BWWM) 📋

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Why would anyone absentmindedly disturb me or walk into my sanctuary? His mind posed the question once again as if he hadn't already searched for the answer as if it would appear out of nowhere.

He was far from some dumb thug incapable of controlling his impulses long enough to extract information from those who'd stepped on his toes. A man in his position would never survive long enough to become one of the most prolific mafia bosses in the world without mastering the art of diplomacy and the discipline that came along with the old saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

If the woman only knew that she was being sent to her death, no doubt, she would wish to retaliate against the person who was responsible for such a betrayal. Hiro was sure this was his little vixen's doing. Because Petra had summoned this stranger with a mission that was two-fold, he would be sure to return the favor back to her at his earliest convenience.

There was no doubt in his mind that the woman was sent to this room to trigger him to take a step he should not take. He was also fully aware of Petra's passive-aggressive manner of trying to retaliate against him whenever she was upset by something he had said or done.

Her level of pettiness was careless. It exposed him to the greater questions of who the woman was and with whom was she acquainted. His devious little lover took no consideration for the fact that the young lady might actually be connected to powerful people if she commanded such high regard to work for others in his financial bracket and social circle.

It never ceased to amaze him of the little things people like Petra looked over. In their quest for power and revenge, they often made sloppy mistakes that a ten-year-old wouldn't make. They sought access to untold riches as well as connections with the upper elites, but their movements revealed them to be the low-life imbeciles that they really were.

When those above their station snubbed them, they took offense to the snub without attempting to find out what had transpired that opened them up to such a disciplined rebuff in the first place.

Hiro was never allowed the leisure of making such ridiculous mistakes. As the only son of an elitist mother and a ruthless thug, his mistakes led to gentile cautions extended to him by his mother. His father was the exact opposite of his mother's presence in every way. Whenever he was disciplined by his father, he often found himself amazed that he had escaped with his life intact.

His father had no desire to see him grow up to be like his mother. The man only cared about the barbaric force and the power fear created for him. It was Hiro's decision to incorporate the world of a thug and the finesse of the elites into his life. Because he knew at an early age that both sides of his family could be equally beneficial if utilized properly, no one ever dared to question him or challenge him be it openly hostile or passive-aggressive interactions.

Petra had decided to test her luck with him and because he had a measure of acceptance of who she was, he would allow her to live in spite of her numerous insubordinations.

Though he was prepared to leave her intact, Hiro would punish her nonetheless. That much he had settled on as he continued his observation of his uninvited guest. There were certain ways to make a petulant bitch suffer and he was damn well prepared to make Petra suffer for her interference.

Scratching from someplace even he couldn't quite identify warned him of impending disaster. It made itself known beneath his skin as the woman mindlessly stood within reach of him. Considering his last victim was still a vivid memory, it was unfortunate for her that he had yet to finish the meditation ritual that he used to remove certain cravings from himself. Meditation would have surely quieted the hunger... the need to enjoy death, destruction... blood.

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