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Shopping was her favorite part of any given day. No matter what was going on in her world, Petra loved the idea that she could visit any of her favorite boutiques and drop a few grand. Because her man was loaded, he never asked her how much money she spent or why she needed to go shopping damn near every day.

Hiro was unconcerned about her spending habits because of his vast fortune. In reality, he could burn three-quarters of his wealth and he would still retain his position as one of the wealthiest men in the south. With ties to construction, oil, real estate, and many other illegal endeavors, Hiro Vasilev rubbed elbows with world dignitaries as well as major criminal syndicate bosses.

He was the man infamously known as V or 5 around the world. Most people believed the nickname had to be the initial of his last name. Others argued it was the number of people who unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate him and never exhale a breath again to explain their failure. There were many legends surrounding him but only very few truly understood who he was.

Petra believed she had him figured out. As long as she gave him whatever he wanted in the bedroom, she believed she could use reverse psychology on him and get whatever she desired. Because he was nicer to her after meeting with the interior designer, she speculated her little trick worked to pull his head out of his ass.

"So how did things go with the decorator you sent to meet with Hiro?" Anishka asked her friend.

"Well, I suspect he got the message that I was pissed off at him because, since that day, he has treated me like a princess. He hasn't said a word about me spending nearly $100,000 last week. He took me out a couple of times and even bought me this little bauble." She cackled as she flashed the forty thousand dollar tennis bracelet she was wearing to her friend's surprise. Watching her girlfriend's eyes grow as big as saucers, Petra chuckled to herself thinking she had it made.

The ladies finished their lunch and requested the check. Petra loved to pay for anything they did together to kind of push it in the other woman's face that her life was a fairytale. Once the waiter returned with her card, she reached out to grab it only to be met with a disapproving glance from him.

"Madame, your card was declined." He stated with a knowing look on his face.

Although Anishka and Petra dined at the restaurant a few times a month, the waiter peered at her as if he knew something she did not. Unfortunately for her, he had seen this exact same scenario happen many times before. Whenever a relationship was over, the trophy girlfriends often found out when the money they once enjoyed so freely was no longer available.

"What the fuck do you mean. My card has no limit, asshole?!" The perfectly tanned face contorted into that of a shrill banshee.

Her voice raised a few octaves promising to kill him if he didn't get out of her face with such ridiculous bullshit as she handed him another limitless credit card.

Once again the man left to attempt the process and once again he returned with the same response. Petra glanced over at her friend in an absolute fit of rage only to catch the slightest smirk on her so-called best friend's face. It took every ounce of willpower to hold her composure as she requested the card and the ticket.

The women's lunch was five hundred sixteen dollars and eighty-two cents. With anger and frustration burning her face, she counted out six crisp one-hundred-dollar bills and waited as the waiter took out a counterfeiting pen to mark the bills for authenticity. After cutting his eyes at her, the young man disappeared long enough to get her change. As soon as he returned, he counted out the money as if it might be important for her in case it was her last. Then to add insult to injury, he put the nail in her proverbial coffin.

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